It was then Y/n saw an empty seat in the way back, lighting up her eyes. She rushed toward it, not before seeing who sat at the window.

Bakugou sat with his bag in his lap, arm hoisted up on-top, holding his chin. He stared out the window with his normal glare, but he wasn't particularity bothered by the bustle on the bus as he had his earbuds in. Y/n debated sitting next to him before she remembered that this was her weekend to become his friend. With that thought, Y/n had made up her mind.

Y/n missed Bakugou's startled look as she abruptly sat down beside him, shoving her duffle bag underneath her seat and going through her backpack to find her own earbuds. Bakugou looked at her with a confused look before rolling his eyes and staring back out the window. Like he cared if someone sat next to him, she just didn't have to be annoying was all.

Around an hour into the trip Bakugou had changed his mind. He still was staring out the window, but every other second Y/n bumped into his shoulder slightly, slowly building up his annoyance. If she was going to sit next to him, she should have kept her distance and tried not to piss him off, but here they were.

Bakugou took his earbuds out and turned, mouth open to shout at her, but he was stopped by what he saw. Y/n was sleeping with her head leaning forwards as such an uncomfortable angle. Every time her head drifted to the side and touched Bakugou's shoulder, she shuttered awake quickly to straight back up again, only to doze off and drift to the side once more.

Bakugou was annoyed yes, but he also felt slightly bad. If not for how it didn't look like she was going to get much sleep at all, it was definitely how uncomfortable she looked bobbing her head constantly. Bakugou sighed to himself. She could have brought a head pillow or something to keep her head up, but he guessed she was too dumb to think of that.

Katsuki leaned back against the bus seat as Y/n's head started to drift again, though this time not jerking away as she met Bakugou's shoulder. Bakugou only glanced at her questioningly before he realized she was well out of it, finally fully asleep resting on his shoulder.

He wanted to shrug her off and scoff how stupid she was and how she should give him his space, but he didn't. Something about the way she looked so peaceful sleeping, or the way it felt to have someone so gingerly resting on his shoulder, he didn't know. He just decided to go back to looking out the window as he tried not to think about Y/n too much.

As they neared their destination, Bakugou shrugged his shoulder upwards to jolt Y/n awake. She awoke suddenly, eyes blinking fast as she realized she had dozed off.

"Oi, stop sleepin' on me, we're almost there," he said in his normal annoyed tone, looking at her through furrowed eyebrows. Y/n stared at Bakugou in shock as she realized what his words meant, quickly blushing as she stammered a quiet apology, grabbing her bag so she was ready to get off the bus. Bakugou stared at her obviously flustered expression and felt his heart beat a bit, before he scoffed to himself and turned to face the window again.

Y/n took Bakugou's gesture as he was fed up with her using him as a pillow, lowering her spirits at becoming friendly with him. But Bakugou had turned away to direct his focus anywhere else but her. He knew he was a bit flustered at her reaction, the way her face turned red at the top of her nose and heights of her cheekbones. The way her eyebrows turned up slightly made him think only one word over and over.



As the students started to get off the busses, they were stuck standing in line in the isle as some got stuck getting their stuff together to leave. Y/n stood in front of Bakugou, waiting patiently for the people in front of her to move, but Bakugou wasn't having any of it. His legs were cramped from the long drive and he just wanted off the bus at that point.

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