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A week later

Bella's POV

I've been waiting for our mail to come non stop and so has y/n but I still tried to focus on the now. Y/n and I discussed the possibilities of how we would be afterwards. If it was negative that Angelina was the parent then life would just continue on as it was but for some reason If it came back negative that I was the parent then we would definitely have to work on things. It would a life altering change but I love y/n so there's nothing I'm not willing to do for our family.

I never had a doubt that Walker wasn't mine being that he has my eyes and many other of my traits but he also looked like the perfect mix of y/n and I. I pushed all my thoughts of overthinking to the very very back of my mind because just the thought of chance he wasn't mine it would absolutely kill me.

"I got the mail" y/n said as I nodded began walking over to her as we both sat down before opening it

Y/n got both of the results while Angelina and myself just got the results that were for our individual selves

We both scanned over the paper.....

Y/n's POV

"I got the mail" I said as I went into the living room where as Bella looked at me before we both sat down

"You ready" I asked Bella as she nodded and we opened my letter since they mailed both Bella and Angelina's results

I scanned over all the blah blah stuff and looked for the graph with the results that read positive

Positive  99.99%  match - Isabella K. Hadid

"We'll this was obvious" I said as I looked at Bella who had chuckled and looked like a relief took over her

"He literally looks like the both of us but she still made me nervous with this whole thing" Bella said as I laughed

"Why? this isn't the 1st time you could've been someone's baby mama" I joked as Bella looked at my shocked with her jaw drop

"You didn't just-" Bella said trying not to laugh

"I did, but let me call her and tell her she can relax because I've always knew who my baby mama is" I said flipping my hair as I ran my hand across my neck in a "period" motion. Causing Bella to laugh and shake her head

I called Angelina and folder the news and she said taht she had also just got the letter in but was relieved Because that's not how she pictured starting her family but she also joked on how she didn't need any "baby mama drama" before we ended the call

"I've thought we'd have to be in this situation" I said slightly shocked at the events that took place over this last week.

"I don't think anybody does, but the good news is we got our answer and can move on from this. We've been doing so good and I just want it to stay like that" Bella said as I nodded in agreement.

"I know, but we do have our vacation coming up just me, you, the kids and the private island. It's gonna be paradise" I said as I leaned into her as my arms found their way around her neck and her around my waist.

Bella's POV

"Babe I'm gonna call the resort right now what am I supposed to say if they ask for my name do I use a fake one" I asked as y/n looked at me with a mischievous smile as I looked at her completely lost

"So my is Bella Hadid" Y/n said as I rolled my eyes at her attempt of mocking me.

"I'm never going to be able to live that down" I said laughing as she laughed at me.

"No but honestly that's a flex. And it's an even bigger flex that I can say that Bella Hadid is my girl" y/n said causing me to laugh.

"I think I'm the one who won in this relationship" I said in a matter of fact tone as y/n laughed

"I'm not going to question it because I don't want to be the one who lets you realize that, that is definitely not the case. I never believed in the saying love is blind until us because you are so out of my league" y/n said as I shook my head at her.

"Never, we're both hot." I said pulling in for a kiss.

"Don't you think it's a bit much to go on holiday just weeks before Christmas" y/n asked as I shrugged


"Well since you refuse to tell me where we're going besides that it's a private island just tell me what to pack for us and the kids" y/n said as I waved her off.

"I can pack for us bub, I want it to be a surprise" I said

"If you insist" y/n said as I smiled at her

This day truly couldn't get any better. The whole test situation was over and now we can just go back to our normal life and I can planning our vacation.

Yours  Bella Hadid x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now