the break up.8

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He asked me about it. Well, actually he said "hey uhm, why cut?" He said. I glanced at him and back away from him. "I.." I wanted to lie. But that would make it worse. "I..I cut because.. you..did." I said trying not to cry. Why am I such a crybaby? (Me fr fr)I asked myself mentally.  "Oh." He said. That's all he said he didn't say anything else. I felt bad now. "I'm sorry"  I said. I looked up so I wouldn't cry. I put purrito down and went to my room. I closed the door behind me. I didn't lock it. I stayed in there for a while. I think fry started crying or something. He left shortly after.i felt so bad. It was my fault. Why did I cut? I would ask myself over and over.i cried myself to sleep.

                          THE NEXT DAY

It's good fryboy has shit memory. I woke up to a call from him. I answered it. "Hey love are you coming to work tonight?" He asked. "Yep" I said laying in bed trying to wake up. "Okay I'll pick you up later" he told me. I shoke my head yes and he hung up. I honestly forgot about last night. I got up and got dressed and whatever.  I sat in bed with purrito and watched (y/c). He came over later and I slid my boots on. I grabbed my bag and got into his car. We headed to work I went to the makeup trailer. I got my makeup done. We did scares and stuff and after work fryboy dropped me off.(to lazy to write tbh)

                      After work
(Bouta get real sad.)

Fryboy asked me to drop him off some snacks and chocolates. I got up and slid some shoes on. I grabbed my keys and told him I'd be there soon. I went to the store and got him chips,and a drink. And of course some chocolate.  I arrived at his doorstep and knocked. He answered and said "I want to break up" he said. I thought he was joking.  So I laughed a little. But he repeated it. The smile dropped. "But I love you" I said trying not to cry. "Well I dont." He said. It broke my heart "y-your joking right?"I said trying not to sob. "No I don't like you anymore. I've lost feelings." He said. I turned around and left and started to cry. I put the bag of snacks in my car passenger seat and drove away while crying. My eyes got blurry from crying I tried to wipe them but I got in a car wreck. (Didn't expect this did you?)I was bleeding and concussed. Some people called 911. Fryboy called me on the phone but I didn't answer. I couldn't.  I woke up in a hospital. Fryboy was crying next to me. I couldn't remember anything. As I woke up more I remembered.  Why was he here? I asked myself. "F-fry?" I said. He looked up at me. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that prank I'm so sorry I know you probably won't forgive me but I'm so so sorry I never meant for this to happen." He said. "What-what prank?" I asked him."I didn't actually wanna break up it was a prank I'm so sorry." He told me.



I gtg to bed  lol

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