t w e n t y f i v e

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"Now repeat after me" Yuna instructed Jungwon before clearing her throat, deepening her voice, and continuing: "I-I'm sorry. I just can't do this anymore. He's my everything, Yuna, and he's GONE"

"Huh? He really said that? I guess he must've really let the cat out of the bag then" Jungwon nodded to himself before noticing Yuna's furious glare through the phone screen. The two were face-timing, trying to recreate the fight that had led to Heeseung's hand movement. Yuna believed that if her argument with Sunghoon was so powerful that could elicit a response out of Heeseung the first time then it could surely lead to the same result if it were recreated. She hoped it would at least. It was the only solution she could think of for the time being, but unfortunately, she couldn't remember most of her conversation with Sunghoon because she was too enraged by him to focus on his words, and because Jungwon had been far less cooperative than she had hoped for him to be.

"JUNGWON! FOCUS" Yuna buried her face in her hands in frustration.

"Sorry, but I'm trying to get more into character. That's why I need to ask questions to play the role better. Really feel what the character was feeling. You know?" Jungwon improvised an excuse to justify his nosiness.

"Jungwon... You've met Sunghoon. You know how he is. He's just a dumbass. Period. No depth there. Yeah, the cat's out of the bag alright"

"I knew you knew that they're together! Or well.. were. Actually, can we even consider them to be broken up if Heeseung doesn't know about-" Jungwon rambled about the politics of the situation before pausing and looking at his phone screen to see Yuna's shocked expression.

"So, I guess the cat wasn't out of the bag" Jungwon chuckled nervously.

"They were together? Like in a relationship together? Well, I guess that explains their musty matching rings, and that explains... Wow, that explains a lot"  Yuna widened her eyes as she revisited the past events but from the angle of this additional information.

Jungwon silently nodded as he let Yuna soak everything up.

"Hold up, when did this start?" Yuna redirected her focus to Jungwon.

"A little after Heeseung busted his ankle" Jungwon answered after momentarily scratching his head.

"Oh wow. I didn't think I could despise Sunghoon more than I already did, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, I don't wanna spend an extra second talking about him. Out of sight, out of mind. Let's focus on what really matters. Let's properly rehearse the fake-argument now, so that we could execute it well when I go to the hospital later on. We have to do our best because my flight back is tonight.. So, it's my last visit.. Our only shot. He has to wake up" Yuna looked into Jungwon's eyes with determination bordering into desperation.

"Okay, but one small problem. Won't Heeseung hyung know that I'm not Sunghoon? Like you said the doctors said he might be able to hear us, right? So won't he be able to tell the difference between my voice and Sunghoon's?" Jungwon furrowed his eyebrows. As hopeful as he was, there was still a part of him that felt that their plan wasn't as solid as both of them wanted to believe that it was, but regardless of how he felt, he couldn't bear to bring himself to tell Yuna about his creeping doubts.

"No, he won't. As long as I keep referring to you as Sunghoon then his mind will fill in the gaps and convince him you're Sunghoon. It's like when you're dreaming and everyone is blurry, but you can distinguish them because your mind is telling you who is who. It's the same case here. As long as it's established in his mind that you're Sunghoon, it doesn't really matter whether you sound like him or not. Got it?" Yuna hurriedly explained before glancing at the time. She could feel the weight of every tick and tock sound the clock made building up on her chest. 7 hours left until her flight. 7 hours most of which would be spent on transportation and check-in at the airport. In reality, she only had 3 hours left. The 3 hours that all her efforts had been building up to. 3 hours of suspense that, in the end of, would determine whether she was a hero or a failure. 3 hours left of the inkling of hope that took more and more energy to not let go of the more the days went by and the more pessimism she was exposed to. 3 hours left of her time with Heeseung. Maybe, ever.

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