To Aleena and Jules' House We Go

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Sonic is driving many friends to his family's house for christmas while they all sing We Need a Little Christmas.

"Thanks for inviting me to spend christmas with you and your friends this year." said Julia.

"You're welcome, I love having you here with us for the holiday." Sonic repiled.

"I haven't seen your family for years."


When they arrived at the house, Sonic knocked on the door.

Aleena opened the door she was happy to see her son.

"Sonic it's so nice to see you." Aleena said giving Sonic a hug.

"It's see to you too mom."

Sonic's dad Jules came to greet his son.

"Merry christmas Sonic." Jules said giving Sonic a hug.

Sonic's little brother Monty was happy to see his parents

Manic and Ryan was watching tv in the living room, Sonia and Tania were in the kitchen making christmas cookies.

"Mom, dad, my friends is spending christmas with all of us."

"It's nice when everyone gets together for the hoilday."

"Here they come now." Jules said.

Sonic's friends came inside.

"Merry christmas!" everyone said.

Some of his friends almost slipped on the icy patch on the step.

"Careful with the icy patch." warned Aleena.

"Whoa that was close." Tangle said.

"Guess water turns into ice when it's cold." Julia said.

"That's why it's winter Julia, water becomes frozen when it's cold." said Tails.

"Tails i haven't seen you for so long." said Aleena.

"It's nice to see you Aleena." Tails said.

Everyone put their coats in the closet.

Sonic introduced his friends to his family.

"Mom i want you to meet Julia, she has autism."

"Hi Julia, you look beauiful in your chirstmas outfit."

"Thanks Aleena."

Sonic went to the living room.

"Hey Manic and Ryan."

"Hey Sonic."

"What's up bro?"

Sonia came to hug her brother.

"Merry Christmas Sonic."

"You too sis."

"Sonia i want you to meet Julia she's amazing girl."

"Hi Julia i like your outfit."

"Thanks Sonia."

Tania came to say hello to Julia.

"I like your earrings."

"Thank you."

Everyone was sitting down and chatting with each other.

Just then they heard a door bell.

"Sonic can you get the door."


Sonic opened the door.

It was Sage and her mother Estella.

"Sage you're alive i thought you died."

"I was resurrected by my father." Sage explained.

"You gotta give credit to the eggster."

"We came to spend christmas with you since I wanted to learn more about friendship and if you could help me out."

"I don't mind kid."

"Anyway who is that beauiful lady she looks like you?"

"This is my mother Estella she's anti-hero like me i have been living with her because Eggette and I don't get along i ran away from home and moved in with my mother."

"Nice to meet you Sonic." Estella said giving Sonic a handshake.

"Anyway come on in."

"Thank you."

It was Sage's first time spending chirtstmas with her family and friends this year.

Just then another door bell ring.

"I'll get it." said Estella.

Estella opened the door it was Infinite Surge Kit Akio Kanna Shyama and Jabari.

"Thanks for inviting us Estella." said Infinite.

"Infinite you know her."

"Oh yes i worked with her and became friends along her daughter Sage." Infinite explained.

Surge slipped on the icy patch.

"Ow!" she yelled.

"Watch out for that icy patch there." Sonic told her.

"Kit help me up."

Kit helped her up.

"Thank you drippy."

Just then another door ring.

"I'll get it." Rouge called.

It was Commander.

"Commander good to see you come on in."

"Thanks Rouge."

Looks like Sonic's friends and family were gathered for the holiday.

"Hey Knuckles." Julia asked.


"Don't you have the master emerald to guard."

"I already took care of that Julia."

Eggette was on the angel island attempting to steal the master emerald she looked at the sign it says "Lick Me I'm Delicious!"

She started to lick the master emerald then suddenly her tongue got stuck.

Her father Dr. Eggman was there his tongue was stuck too.

In the living room they watched Iron Lighting band singing jingle bell rock.

Everyone give Iron Lighting a round of applause.

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