Chapter 2 - The Huttlet

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Christophsis was a lost planet the Jedi had won and now all that was left was the droids that were left behind to be destroyed and sent to the scrapyard.  Shadow was about to leave himself to follow Anakin and his new padawan when his communicator rang. Shadow opened the transmission Count Dooku appeared. 

"You did well, my apprentice", Count Dooku praised. 

"Thank you, Master", Shadow answered. 

"Skywalker will come for the Hutt, regroup with Ventress, and stick to the plan", Dooku commands. 

"Understood",  Shadow said before closing the transmission and calling his ship. Leaving for the planet Teth. When he arrived at the planet making sure he arrived before Skywalker he immediately contacted Ventress. 

"Ventress, I've arrived at the monastery hold your fire", Shadow informed Ventress making sure he had a safe path into the monastery.

"We await your arrival", Ventress responded cutting the transmission. 

Shadow flew into the monastery landing the ship in a hidden spot under the cliff and taking a speeder into the monastery the droids standing guard cut him off. 

"Hold it no one is allowed inside", a droid said before Ventress came to the gate herself.

"Let him in", she demanded the droid. 

The droids standing guard let shadow in no questions. Ventress walked with Shadow leading him down into the basement of the monastery.

"The huttlet is here I want you to keep some of your beasts here to guard the Hutt or at least look like they're guarding the Hutt", Ventress says pointing to corners in the basement. 

Shadow did as told. His hair sways as his sclera turns black and his pupils white. The shadows of the monastery turned into beasts resembling guard dogs and on the outside of the monastery formed falcons not meant for fighting but instead to seek and alert the droids when the Jedi arrived. 

Before long the Jedi arrived. The basement of the monastery shook with every blast and explosion. Ventress left to watch the fighting, Shadow had trouble keeping his footing growing worried for the Huttlet. Giving in he opened the door to the cell holding the Hutt. The Hutt started to cry out and Shadow walked over grabbing the Hutt and holding him. 

"It's okay calm down you'll be fine", Shadow continued till the Hutt calmed down putting him back down with a blanket covering him and a shield of pure shadow covering the Hutt. Shadow left the cell closing the door behind him warping out to where Ventress and a droid that was originally from the monastery standing at the railing overlooking the damage. 

"The droids have done their part now it's your turn", Ventress says to the droid. The droid left leaving Ventress and Shadow together. 

"The beasts are set?", Ventress questioned

"Yes and prepared to dissipate at a moment's notice once the Jedi attack", Shadow answered head down hood covering the upper half of his face. 

Shadow walked up the railing looking out still hidden in the shadow, but able to see the battlefield. Shadow watched as the Jedi and their clone army walked into the monastery choosing to stay on the outside. 


The two Jeid walk along the basement coming across multiple droids and a couple of shadow beasts lurking in the corners. Ahsoka grew more unsettled with the droids and the beasts. 

"Master you know you're walking us into a trap", Ahsoka says voicing her worries

"I know", he answers back nonchalantly 

"We just passed two more droids and I saw another only of those beasts around the corner", 

"I know"

"Well I don't like it can't I just take them out"

"Oh well if you feel so strongly about it go ahead", Skywalker says giving Ahsoka the clearance she needed. 

Ahsoka destroyed the three droids tailing her, but the beasts remained in their territory in the shadows. 

"Not bad you remembered to destroy their weapons first", Skywalker complimented 

"I'm just improving your technique", Ahsoka says. 

Skywalker activates his lightsaber stabbing a droid behind him. 

"Of course, you did miss one", he says back

"I did that on purpose"

The two reach a cell with two beasts guarding it these were more limber and sleek with thin tails swishing about. The beast growled attacking the two prepared to fight, but only after one hit did the beast dissolve into wisps leaving the two confused. 

"How did we kill those beasts last time we could kill them no matter what we did", Ahsoka says

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling about this", Skywalker says moving closer to the cell door. 

"I sense our missing Hutt is in here", Skywalker says 

"I smell him too", Ahsoka says waving her hand in front of her face. 

The cell door opens the thing shocking the two is the shadow shield around the Huttlet. The shadow dissipated revealing the Huttlet was settled on a blanket sleeping soundly. 

"He's a lot younger than I thought he'd be", Skywalker says

"He's just a baby! This will make our job a lot easier. Aww, he's so cute!", Ahsoka says fawning over the sleeping Huttlet. 

"Just wait till you see what he'll grow into", Skywalker says in disgust and contempt. "I'm a little concerned about the shadows".

"What do you mean?", Ahsoka says holding the still-sleeping Hutt. 

"The person or thing that made these creatures and veils is dangerous and we know nothing about them", Skywalker explains. 

"I suppose"


The communicator on Shadow's belt started to beep Shadow answered the transmission. 

"You've done well, Ventress can handle the situation from here I want you to return to the main fleet and regroup with General Grievous and assist him with our new secret weapon", Dooku ordered Shadow. 

Shadow did nothing but nod cutting off the transmission. 


The Jedi had finished the request. The Huttlet was returned to Jabba and his uncle was arrested. The Jedi were preparing to leave when Skywalker decided to speak up asking Jabba a question. 

"Oh mighty Jabba", Skywalker spits out before continuing his main point, "Did Count Dooku mention anything about an apprentice of any sort?". 

Jabba says something in their native language before the droid starts to translate, "The mighty Jabba remember him talking about an apprentice, but he wasn't specific about detail only that an apprentice would be key". 

"New problem, we have a solution we know not", Yoda says solemnly. 

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