conection chapter 4 ( Time

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Trigger warning . Mention of death , addiction , arguments , swearing , tobacco use

The couple kept themselves busy waiting for the day their baby would finally be in their arms

The remaining months were finaly up all they had to do was wait . The little chamber would allert the caretaker of the system when the baby was fully developed and ready to be born .

One day as the couple Visited Vicks clinic to be patched up after a particularly sketchy mission . Vick had finished up on Johnnys wounds and was now just finishing up the last remaining stitches on V . Whilst Johnny waited he was looking at the containment chamber when a screen on the side of it started flashing as the baby danced in place .

Uh? Vick you might wanna look at this Johnny exclaimed. Vick finished up the last stitch and spun his chair round to see what the situation was. He got up and walked over to Johnny as V followed . Vick saw the flashing screen and immediately knew what to do . He removed the containment chamber from the machine it was attached to and took it over to the sink in the back of his clinic.

He unscrewed a cap on the containment chamber and let the fluids flow down the drain . Their baby now sat behind a clear bubble of plastic. They could see it had the smallest tuft of auburn brown hair . Vick tapped the screen and unsealed the containment chamber as soon as he did a sharp cry could be heard as this little being made its first sound.

The baby was still connected to the peace of technology through its umbilical cord. Vick got some towels and handed them to V as he placed the little one In his arms . He cut the cord and announced. Congratulations its a bouncing baby boy . You thought of a Name ? V replied. Toby wells linder . Vick almost shed a tear at the mention of wells . His heart was in his throat. A tribute to the late great Jackie wells . Rest easy choom .

The couple stood in awe at their baby boy . Johnny almost shed a tear as he said . See I told ya. Vick walked over to the couple with a little package and gave it to Johnny. He unwrapped it . It was a little baby footie pyjama. They both smiled at how teeny the little article of clothing was . Vick gave them a minute alone as they stood admiring their little miracle.

V dressed his baby for the very first time . Vick came back a few minutes later . Vick had to way the baby and do a few check ups . V almost didn't want to hand him back over . Vick made sure to be extra careful as he weighed the infant . He came in at around 6 ibs 8 ounces . He handed the new fathers their baby and went to go prepare a bottle . Vick had done his research as he to was quite excited for the day he would welcome that little bundle of Joy into this world . This was his first time helping bring a baby into the world the excitement in his heart outweighed any kind of fear he had .

As Vick prepped the bottle making sure it was the right amount and temperature. He handed the bottle over to Johnny who now held the infant. He fed his son for the very first time. He was so scared he was gonna break him he was almost shaking . Babies are so fragile. He sat on the operating chair as he wanted to be safe . V stood near by comforting his partner.

Vick gave them some time to bond with their new born as he went to go see Misty and tell her the good news .

About half an hour later Vick crept back into the room as he heard no crying. They all had fallen asleep. The wee one in Johnnys arms , V fast asleep in Vicks chair right next to him .

He left them to rest. they were gonna need it as Toby wasnt gonna stay quiet for long . They would soon learn this . Vick stood in the stairwell to his clinic and lit up a celebratory cigar . The first thing In Nightcity to celebrate in a long time .

Conection)Johnny Silverhand ×Male V Cyberpunk 2077Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat