conection chapter 3 ( Baby Daddy )

Start from the beginning

In the coming month
The woman harvested her eggs with the help of an assistant and implanted the couple's samples into the egg then implanted it into an artificial womb. And waited a month before she was able to see if the implantation had taken . She looked at the cells under a microscope. It was looking like it had taken . She had successfully impregnated an artificial womb. She called V to let the couple know they were gonna be parents .

When V got of the hollow with her mind was rushing and wouldn't rest . He was elated but the shock hit him . It was the biggest news he had herd in his life appart from being told your probably gonna die . The fear set in .He took of his jacket, shirt went to the bathroom and slpashed his face with water .

As he stood looking in the mirror just staring at his own reflection. Johnny walked over behind V and reached his hands around his waist and placed his head on his shoulder.

To cheer him up he said. He's gonna be a rockerboy just like his Daddy . V smiled at that sentence . What makes you think its gonna be a boy? he asked. I dunno just got a feeling in my bones Johnny answered. Na he's gonna be a streetkid .said V . Or he could be a Nomad Just like you . We could go to the badlands. Panam already she'd have you as part of her clan . Show him the way of the Nomad and what its like to be part of something bigger than yourself what its like to wear clan colours. Johnny ponderd.

V reminisced in memories of his childhood and smiled at the thought.

Oh yea does she even know that Im alive? Or even about you and me ? Have you told her ? Johnny questioned.

Yea I sent her a message saying Im bi with a photo attached I took of us kissing . She didn't really care about the Bi part but she did ask how you were alive and I explained it to her . V replied.

Johnny placed a small smooch on Vs neck while V ran his fingers through his beard . It was late since she had called V after he got off work The time was in the tenth hour . Johnny took V to bed as it had been a big day for the both of em .

The woman had handed the containment chamber of the womb over to Vick to keep in his clinic. Now he was the sole caretaker . He would monitor it and wach it grow .

In the next few months Johnny and V were allowed to see their baby in the artificial womb it looked just like the one V saw when he helped River looking for some records at the police station.

They continued to Visit their baby as the months passed . It grew bigger every day in its containment chamber .

__________the next morning _________

In the morning V woke up with Johnny wraped around him in an almost protective way . Johnny woke up as he felt V shift beneath him. he lay with his head on his chest ,his arm covering Vs belly with his leg twisted around Vs leg . V ran his fingers through Johnnys hair gently waking him up .Johnny reached his head up to give his partner a morning smooch then moved his head back to his chest As he gently ran little patterns on Vs belly with his fingers. V giggled . Sto -hop your tickling me Johnny smiled . V got up to get ready for the day as did Johnny. They were ready to Motor as they headed out of the apartment. And headed out to their first mission of the day .

It was a scavs hideout. The mission was to retrieve data from a computer .as they snuck by the ripped apart bodies of the scavs unfortunate victims Johnny saw a pretty mean pair of Mantis blades . He picked them up . As they retrieved the data and got back out a thought was on Johnnys mind . As the day went on Johnny worried for Vs safety so much it was killing him .

At the end of the day as they were going home Johnny said to V . Hey you go home Im gunna go pick something up from Vick real quick I'll meet you back at home . V was curious but to tired to care as he dropped Johnny of at Vicks .

Conection)Johnny Silverhand ×Male V Cyberpunk 2077Where stories live. Discover now