" ha so he really did get you pregnant?" Millie said look at ari up and down

"He sure did, what you doing here?" Ari raised her eyebrows at her, she was wearing all black with her hair in a bun. She didn't look bad this time

"East invited me" she smirked and ari laughed

"Girl you lying straight through them crooked ass teeth, we both know he didn't invite you anywhere" Ari mugged at her, Dave looked up seeing Millie at the door and his entire face dropped. He wasn't expecting millie to show up at his door once again especially on this day

"Move out my way I'm here for MY daughter birthday " millie snapped at ari getting in her face and ari laughed, Dave saw how close Mille got to her face and handed kai to his mom and walked towards the door

"Girl you might of given birth to her but you didn't raise her you've been a piece of shit of a mother since the day she was born. I've been with Dave for 7 months now and I've done more for that baby then you
Ever have so don't play with me bitch" Ari snapped at her

"You think cause he got you pregnant he's gonna keep you around? Your just another bitch that's gonna be gone soon. This is my daughter bitch you ain't nothing " she said

"You let them drugs get to your brain bitch. You got one more time to disrespect me and pregnant and all I'll beat your ass. I've let way too much shit slide but I love that little girl and your NOT gonna ruin this shit for her or me. Go back to the crack house where you belong" Ari gritted and before Millie could swing Dave grabbed her arm

"I will fucking kill you" he gritted through his teeth gripping her arm tightly

"Ouch east let go" Millie cried out and Dave gripped harder

"The fuck are you doing here millie " he asked as Ari stood there smirking

" she's my daughter east I'm supposed to be here! Not this bitch!" She yelled and he gripped her arm and dragged her out the house to the yard

"Cut that shit out you being loud. My girl planned a party for MY fucking daughter like a mother fucking should. While you too busy looking for some fucking drugs I'm here busting my ass for this little girl. Why the fuck did you bring your ass here and who the fuck told you about this shit" Dave was pissed, she showed up to his house with all his friends and family there , he knew how much this party meant to his girls and he wasn't about to let Millie ruin it.

"You got her pregnant east really? How could you do that to me to kairi " he look at her like she was crazy

"The fuck is you talking about, kairi adores Ariana they spend more time together then you ever have. She's having my baby and I'm gonna marry her. You bring your ass round here again and I promise you ima let them knock you Tf out. You're not welcome here get some fucking help Millie " he turns to walk away but she grabs his arm

"You think your fucking better then me east! I could take you to court! Tell them your a drug dealer! And all the shit you do" she said point a finger in his face and he laughed slowly

" Millie don't fucking cross me I'm dead ass. You don't wanna go to court with me because I promise you you'll never seen kairi ever again " he said through his teeth, his eyes darker he was so pissed

"Dave baby Dave relax ok it's time for Kai to open her presents " Ari grabs his arm rubbing it trying to calm him down, he look down at her and nodded his head. He pushed Millie away and ari grabbed his hand walking in the house slamming the door behind them.

Ari walked him towards the spare room and went straight into the bathroom leaving Dave to sit on the bed, she then wet a rag with cold water then pressing  it on his face to cool him down

"You ok papa?" She asked while pressing the rag on his forehead, he wrapped his arm around her waist

"Yeah man that shit just pissed me off " he said and she nodded

"I don't want you to get angry "

"You stood up for her like she's yours and I can never repay you for how much you've done for me and her in such little time " he said and she smiled

"Stop your gonna make me cry" she whined and he chuckled, there was a knock at the door

"It's open!" Ari yelled and bully opened the door with a plate of chicken in his hand

"Aye y'all good in here" bully asked while taking a bite of his chicken

"Damn Ari this shit good as hell you made this?" He asked and ari laughed

"Yes I did" she giggled as Dave shook his head

"Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you "

"What I do?"

"Nothing man where's my baby?" He asked rubbing Ari side , he was relaxed even after that bullshit with Millie he was clam. She was really his peace.

" she out there playing with the gift I brought her, y'all gon love it"

"You better not had gotten her nothing loud bully cause I swear to the lord himself I will kick your ass" Ari threaten him and bully out his hands up in surrender

"Well shit maybe I should take it from here" he slowly back out and ran out the room

"I'm gonna kill your brother " she shook her head and Dave laughed

"I love you mamas I really do" he said standing up to kiss her lips

"Mhmmmm I love you more" she kissed him back

"Now come on let's enjoy the rest of the party " she grabbed his hand leading him out the room Back into the party, kai looked up seeing him and reached her arms out

"Dada dada!" She yelled out and everyone smiled as he picked her up and kissed her face of course ari had to take a picture of this moment she loved seeing them to together and so happy. The party went on for another few hours and as people started to leave Dave made ari sit down because he was tired of her being on her feet even tho she didn't feel tired she listened cause she didn't wanna fight with him

"Mamas I'm almost done cleaning " he said to her and she nodded as she rubbed kai back. Poor kairi took much cake and too much fun she was out like a light. 

"She's so tired baby she's drooling " Ari laughed

"Yeah lemme take her upstairs and then ima come eat you. Ari I'm serious don't get your ass up" he said picking kai up and ari rolled her eyes

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever hurry up " she waved him off. He carried kai upstairs to her room, he couldn't believe his little twin was finally two being a dad is one of the best things he's ever done. He laid her in her crib and kissed her forehead

"I love you kairi" he whispered while turning on the monitor and slowly back out the room. Even though the bad shit the day was good. Thanks to his favorite girls

Hey guys! Here's a chapter! I changed the name of the story if you haven't noticed lol and the picture. I feel like I'm going through a whole nice feeling with my writing so after this story I will be doing a new one !

Please keep voting ! Xoxo

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