02: Weird Quirks?

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November's heavy eyelids fluttered open at the buzz of the alarm. He fully opened his eyes and then gazed right at the ceiling.
It seemed as though he was having a nightmare after all. But his brain felt like it got smashed and patched up. Like doctors did a craniotomy on him
It was morning and he was meant to prepare himself for school.

Another day of surviving in the hellhole with a bunch of bullies. He thought and then puffed out a distressed breath, and then flinched when he felt his body floating from the bed.

"Holy Dumbledore, this must be some sort of illusion!" He shrieked when he noticed that he was a foot away from the ceiling.
"Jesus H. Christ!" He scream, shuddering violently just as the duvet slipped from my body and fell back on the bed. "This isn't happening! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

"November!" His ears went on full alert when his mom's voice boomed through the thin walls.

That means last night wasn't a dream? The alien ships and their missiles, ground breaking, buildings collapsing, people dying and the alive ones running to seek safety.

The pain in his brain that was affecting his whole body made him have flashbacks of a sharp tool from the alien ship, continually drilling hole in his head.

Why am I floating? He pondered deeply.

"No, this isn't a movie where the boy gets powers and becomes a superhero. This is a real entity in your life! You're just having some weird lucid dreams that looks and feels real. Maybe something is wrong with your brain, maybe the world is going crazy. Or it boils down to you losing your mind." He was soliloquizing with his eyes still closed, thinking when he open them, it'd all be over because he thought he was picturing the whole thing.

His mouth parted and a low heave escaped, just then he was taken by surprise when his body slammed against something.

"Dammit to all hell and back!" He cursed, opening his eyes to see his face getting crunched on the ceiling. And his hands were holding on to it for support.

"November! What's going on!?" Shit! His mom was ascending the stairs, heading to his room.

He flinched when he heard a knock on his door.


"Go away, mom." His voice sounded muffled because the side of his face was glued to the ceiling.

"Why? I just heard you screaming." She persisted and he could swear she had her face twisted in confusion, "are you okay?"
"I…" he wanted to explain but couldn't fathom the words because he couldn't let her see him like that.

"That's it, I'm opening the door right now." She informed him.

"No!" He yelled.

"Honey, I just want to see if you're okay. You know with last night's drastic incident."


"Are you hiding something?"

"No, no. I'm…I'm naked...I'm naked!"

There was a pause and he could tell she was trying to process his words.

"November?" Her voice suddenly rang out quietly.

"Mom?" He answered through frustration.

"Don't tell me you sneaked a girl into your room?"

"What!? No!" He exclaimed through gritted teeth. "How could you even think that?"

"Because you're freaking me out!" She defended herself, "Indiana experienced an earthquake, there were loss of lives and kids are being freaks. So I'm sorry if I'm being touchy and you dislike me for it, I just care about you too much," her voice mellowed down into sadness and care.

November: I Might Be A SuperheroWhere stories live. Discover now