"So, you're not mad at me?" Scott asked with uncertainty shining in his eyes.

Stiles shook his head. "No, I'm not mad at you. At either of you." He looked between Scott and Isaac. The latter immediately looked away. 'Yup, we'll definitely be talking later.'

Scott nodded and drew Stiles into another hug. "I'm glad we got you back."

Stiles smiled and closed his eyes. "I am, too." They ended the hug a couple of moments later and Malia walked up to Stiles, hugging him.

"I'm glad you're okay, Stiles." She said softly. Stiles smiled and gave her a squeeze in response before they both let go.

Lydia was the next to come up. She hugged Stiles rather tightly, almost squeezing the life out of him. "Don't ever make me scream for your death ever again." She glared at him.

Stiles swallowed and cowered a little under her glare. "You screamed for my death?"

"Yes, and I do not wish to do it again. I'd very much like you alive." She huffed, slightly glaring at Stiles.

Stiles nodded slowly. "I'll do my best to make sure it never happens again."

"Good." She said and sat back down in the seat she had been occupying before. Stiles hugged and greeted the rest of the pack, feeling much happier and more relaxed knowing they themselves were okay. The pack was definitely feeling the same with seeing Stiles back to his old self.

Once that was over, Derek and Stiles and ended up sitting on the same couch albeit Derek was sitting closer to Stiles than what the pack deemed usual.

"So," Scott began, sitting back in one of the many armchairs in the living room. "Is there something going on between you two?"

Stiles blinked while Derek remained impassive. He'd follow Stiles' lead. "What what makes you think that?" Stiles drawled out slowly.

"You two seem very close. Closer than normal." Lydia said in a thoughtful tone as she watched the two. If anyone could discover their sexualities without them telling anyone or knowing themselves, it would be her.

Stiles bit his lip and looked at Derek.

"Plus, we did hear you outside." Malia supplied helpfully. Both Stiles and Derek looked at her.

"Is Peter around?" Stiles asked nervously.

"No, we haven't seen him since we got you back." Isaac said.

Stiles nodded and looked back at Derek. The trust and assurance that Stiles received from Derek's eyes made his next move that much more confident. He shifted closer to Derek and leaned into the older wolf, prompting Derek to wrap an arm around him once he was comfortable and returned to observing the pack.

"So, you date me and then you date my cousin?" Malia teased, grinning when Stiles looked her way.

Stiles chuckled and grinned back. "What can I say? Guess I have a thing for Hale blood."

"So, you're gay?" Lydia asked curiously.

"No." Stiles shook his head. "Bisexual."

"Ah. Thought so." She sat back with a smug look.

"What do you mean 'thought so'?!" Stiles exclaimed.

"You exuded very big hints that you were. Especially when at the light party the Alpha twins threw. That girl that asked if you liked guys really threw you for a loop." She smirked.

Stiles blushed heavily and rolled his eyes playfully. He chose not to think about that occurrence. "I am not surprised you picked up on that at all.

"Yes, well, I have an eye for it." Lydia grinned and sharpened her gaze on Derek. "You're gay, aren't you?"

Derek nodded his confirmation. "Why?" He asked curiously.

"It was also easy to pick up." Lydia shrugged.

Stiles laughed when he saw the offended look on his lover's face. "Oh, come on, Sourwolf, don't give her that look, she has a radar for it." He teased. Derek turned his expression to a playful glare when he looked at Stiles. Stiles smirked and leaned up to give him a quick peck on the lips.

"Cheers to another homosexual couple." Mason grinned. Stiles grinned back at him after pulling away from Derek.

"So, you two are dating?" Scott asked, his eyes trained on the newly announced couple. Stiles looked at Scott and for once, he couldn't decipher his best friend's expression.

Stiles swallowed and nodded, his happiness dimming a little. "We are." He confirmed, his voice a little uncertain. Derek tightened his hold on him.

"How long have you been dating?"

"Three weeks." Derek supplied, watching the alpha suspiciously.

Stiles nodded in agreement. "Scott, if you're not okay with me dating a guy, let alone Derek, just say it." The silence from his best friend was eating him alive.

Scott was quiet for a moment before he sharpened his stare on Derek and turned it into a glare with complete red Alpha eyes and all.

'Fuck.' Stiles thought, growing very nervous.

"You hurt him and I will hurt you."

'Wait. What?'

Derek nodded. "Understood." He knew Stiles came first before him, hell, everyone in the pack put Stiles before themselves. Derek expected no less of Scott to threaten him.

"Wait......... Did you just threaten Derek?" Stiles asked, confusion etched on his face. "One of your own pack members?"

"Stiles, you're also my pack member. And I'm your Alpha, I look out for you. You're also my best friend, my brother. I don't want to see you get your heart broken. But the same goes for you, Derek." Scott responded, his face soft and kind now.

Well, count Stiles feeling touched and comforted. He got up and walked over to Scott and hugged him. "It feels good knowing you accept me. And my relationship."

"There's no way I wouldn't." Scott grinned. They both let go and Stiles resumed his seat, settling into Derek again. The pack meeting then commenced and everyone settled into a good rhythm of catching up with each other, especially for Stiles. He'd explain more about his powers later. For now, it was time to be a pack.

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