Waking up beside you 《Oneshot》

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Prompt: Hunter & Edric find themselves at a dilemma. Taken place in the Human Realm. They are aged up to 21 in this fic because of mentions of apple blood being an alcholic beverage. 


Hunter leaned against the couch as he felt funny. It’s been awhile since he indulged in apple blood. He could tell why Eda enjoyed the drink. He giggled to himself as he stared at the stars above. He swayed his hands into the sky. He wanted to catch the stars. Maybe Edric would like a star as a present. 

A goofy, love-sick smile crossed Hunter’s face at the mere mention of his boyfriend. Edric had went to their bedroom to grab some blankets. Damn Titan, he loved that Blight. He rolled onto his stomach when he heard footsteps. 

“You look so loopy,” Edric joked. He wasn’t quite as wasted like Hunter, but his mind wasn’t completely there. Edric walked into the living room, dropping the blankets and pillows onto a drunk Hunter. 

“AHhhh--I’m dying!” 

Edric snickered at the dramatic scene. He flopped onto the sofa before rolling off so he can lay by Hunter. He decided to give mercy to the other. Tugging off the blanket, Hunter gasped. “Ed! Y-ou didn’t see the b-blanket monster try and end me!” 

The green-haired boy didn’t reply as he pulled Hunter close. “My burrito cat. Cute,” Edric cooed. Hunter huffed and tried to pull away. “Wwe gotta find the mu-rderer.” Hunter tried to escape, but only was pulled close to Edric. He was being cuddled. Hunter would’ve continued his escape to protect them. He needed to find Flap. 


The cardinal flashed them an uninterested look. They could tell their witch was drunk. They returned to playing with an energic Batric. 

“Moonlight,” Edric started. Hunter stopped his endless rant about the monster that attempted to suffocate him. Edric adored the confused look on the other’s face as he leaned in for a kiss. A laugh came out from the two as the kiss came out clumsy. 

“You dork,” Hunter giggled. Rolling his eyes fondly, he went forward to press small kisses onto Hunter’s face. Hunter couldn’t stop giggling at the affection. “S-Stowp,” Hunter snickered. Edric pulled away and looked down at the other. “You look beautiful,” Edric confessed. Hunter blushed at Edric’s statement. 

“You’re such a sap.” 

“Your sap,” he retorted. 

Edric went back to sitting beside Hunter. The stars looked beautiful tonight. However, Edric would say that Hunter could beat the sight of the stars. 

Edric enjoyed the simple nights like these. Hunter was leaned against him while they watched the stars. He enjoyed seeing the fascinated look on the other’s face. It’s been so long since he’s seen Hunter truly relax. At times, he wondered what it would’ve been like if they had this before. Edric knows they could never forget the events on the Boiling Isles. 

It came out of nowhere. 

“I love you,” a voice confessed. Magneta eyes were no longer gazing at the stars, they were now looking at the owner of the voice. 

Hunter wondered if he was hearing things, but it proved that he was wrong. When he looked at Edric, he could see the genuine smile grazing Edric’s face. His blush darken at the confession. He could never get used to hearing those three words come from Edric. 

Before he met Edric, before he met Luz and everyone else, he used to believe he was unloveable. He believed Belos’s words that no one could love him. Yet Belos was wrong. Edric proved that everyday he would never stop reminding Hunter how much he loves him. 

This green-haired dork loves him. Hunter didn’t know what else he needed when everything he’s ever wanted is here. He’ll never get used to affection, but maybe he could when he’s with Edric. 

“I...I love you too,” Hunter returned. A brightening smile that could beat the sun had grazed Edric’s face. Hunter couldn’t stop the blush from growing on his face as he was being held close. 

Hunter returned the hug and smiled against Edric’s chest. He never wanted to forget this moment. He didn’t realize that his eyes had fluttered shut. Edric soon joining him as the two had fallen asleep. 

Hunter was the first to wake up. He grumbled at the slight headache he was getting. He tried to pull away to check the time when he felt Edric groaned. Golden eyes looked at the other with a smile growing on Edric’s face. 

“I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives,” Edric hummed. He wrapped his arms around the blond and pulled him close. Hunter chuckles, “I wake up at 4:30 AM.” Edric stared at the boy before looking back at the clock on the wall. It was in fact 4 in the morning. 

“I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives,” joked the green-haired boy. Hunter huffed a laugh at his boyfriend’s antics. “Good luck, Ed.” Edric rolled his eyes fondly before stuffing his face back into the boy’s hair. The pale blond witch would’ve went back to sleep. That was when he pulled away when he looked up. 



“What happened to the ceiling?” 


A/N: I adore this pairing. also if it's not obvious the pictures used in each update is the incorrect quote I'm using :D

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