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"Prim! Help me!" Enid shrieks. Primrose sets her book down, looking at said girl.

"With what exactly?" Prim asked, watching Enid run around her dorm room.

"Should I do a welcome poster?" Enid asked, suddenly stopping in her tracks to look at the young fae who sat on Enid's freshly made bed.

"I think it'll be fine if you don't. Plus, I heard your new roomie is going to be Wednesday Adams. From what I heard, I don't think she'd like a glittery welcome poster" Primrose says, recalling all the gossip about said girl.

Before Enid could say anything back Principle Weems come barging in with three others all dressed in black following behind her. She briefly smiled at us before turning to the three.

Morticia gasps upon seeing the room.
"It's so.... Vivid" Gomez says, looking around the room. Enid and Primose looked at each other before Enid runs up to Wednesday who was looking at the room.

Enid does a deep inhale before welcoming Wednesday, "Howdy, roomie" she says excitedly. A wide smile taking up her entire face. Primrose stands up, smoothing her skirt as she smiles at the three in a welcoming manner.

"Wednesday, this Enid Sinclair and Primrose Hartz" Principle Weems introduces.

Primrose waves with a warm smile, "Are you feeling okay? You look a little... pale" Enid says. Wednesday stares, horrified.

"Wednesday always looks half-dead" Gomez answers to which Enid understood.

"Welcome to Ophelia hall" Enid suddenly says, opening her arms to go in for a hug when Wednesday took a step back.

"Not a hugger. Got it" Enid says as Primrose walks up to stand next to Enid.

"Please excuse Wednesday, she's allergic to color" Morticia explains, briefly looking at Enid's side of the room.

"What happens to you, if you don't mind me asking" Primrose speaks up. She couldn't help but think of that was an actual allergy or not.

"I break out in hives and then my flesh peels off my bones" Wednesday says, flatly. Enid and Primrose look at each other warily before plastering on smiles.

"Luckily, we've special ordered you a uniform" Principle Weems chuckles before looking at the two girls.

"Enid, Primrose. Please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule and give her a tour along the way" She instructed.

The two girls nodded as Wednesday turned to glare at her parents before walking out, the two girls following behind her.


"Nevermore was founded in 1971 to educate people like us" Enid began.

"Outcasts, freaks, monsters" Primrose continued as she waved to her classmates as they made their way down the flight of stairs.

Primrose wasn't necessarily popular but everyone knew her. Enid was her best friend and quite frankly her only friend. She just knew everyone else as aquatints.

"Fill in your favorite marginalized group here" Enid said, turning to walk backwards in front of Wednesday.

"You can save the sanitized sales pitch. I don't plan on staying here for long" Wednesday says as they all stopped walking.

"Why not?" Enid asks as the two girls stared at the her with confusion.

"This was my parents' idea" She says, looking around when her eyes caught the trophy case holding an old picture of the fencing team in which her mother was in.

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