Old friends(Alec)(part 2)

Start from the beginning

He turns Allison around without saying anything. "W-what are y-you doing." She
stutters trying to look behind her. "Do you trust me." Stiles says.

Without hesitation she says. "Yes."

"Good, now this might sting a little." Stiles says quickly drawing a rune on her lower back and activating it.

"Wha-" she stops and a light sting come and go. "Now take this and trace the mark on my lower back." Stiles hands her his stele and lifts his shirt.

Without questioning she quickly traces the mark ignoring all the other ones. "Okay, now take my hands." He rushes out noticing the nogitsune appear on the nemeton.

She takes his hands in a hurry also noticing the mummified creature. "What are you doing!" The nogitsune screams noticing their backs glowing a bright gold.

"Ignore him, focus on me and repeat." Stiles closes his eyes Allison following right after.

"Przynieś mi moją duszę i światło, pomóż mi pokazać duchowi więź, więź między bratem i siostrą, miłość, która może pokonać zło, przyjdź dobro, aby porzuciło zło i uwolniło nas!(Bring me my soul and the light, help me show the spirit the bond, the bond between a brother and sister, the love that can defeat evil, come forth the good to relinquish the evil and free us!)" Stiles says in polish. Allison knowing Polish quickly repeats it.

They keep on repeating this until they hear a agonizing scream come from the nogitsune, they open their eyes both glowing a bright gold and silver until they both pass out.

(Meanwhile in the loft)

Once Allison and Stiles body drops, Alec quickly gets up looking for his stele. "Stele, I need my stele!" He yells. "Here!" Liam yells tossing it to him from across the loft. How did it get over there he doesn't know, but it isn't the time to find out.

Alec catches it and runs to Stiles body but an oni gets in front of him. Izzy quickly turns her bracelet in a staff and stabs it piercing it's heart.

Alec turns to his sister. "Thank you." And turns back to his lover. He lifts Stiles shirt and just like he said there's a rune on his lower back.

Flashback to before Stiles took void's head.

Stiles pulls away from the kiss and whispers something in Alec's ear.

"There's a rune on my lower back, when me and Void is knocked out activate it and then draw it on Allison at the same spot. Then get as far as possible."

Flashback end

Once he activates it he quickly rushes to Allison, before he can lift her shirt up a little, Scott grabs him a pushes him away from her body. "What do you think you are doing!" Scott growls. Jace comes and punches him in the face with his strength rune activated. "I don't know what's he's doing but let him do it, cause it looks like he knows what to do." Jace sneers grabbing Scott and literally throwing him into Derek just because.

"Asshole." Derek mutters.

Alec finishes drawing the rune on Allison lower back and activates it. He gets up and grabs Jace by the arm pulling him all the way to the end of the loft.

"If you don't wanna get hurt, move as far from the two as possible." Alec warns. Clary, Izzy and Lydia full on sprint towards the two men with concern looks on their face. Alec can't help but think he had never seen a girl run that fast in heels ever.

"How did she take the rune? and what did you do." Lydia asks.

"I don't know, but Stiles told me what to do so I'm putting my full trust in him." Alec shrugs.

Everybody stares intently at the two bodies until the marks on both Stiles and Allison's back start to glow brighter where it's to the point you gotta look away. They hear a few agonizing screams, they come to the thought that it's the onis.

Two gasps are heard as the light dimes down. They look and see Stiles and Allison slowly sitting up and rubbing their heads. Alec, Jace, Izzy, Clary and Lydia instantly runs to their side while the pack stay far away scared if the nogitsune is still possessing Allison.

"Stiles! Allison!" Lydia yells hugging both of them. They both groan. "T'loud." Stiles mummers getting a hum of agreement from Allison causing them to laugh. Once Lydia pulls away, Alec helps Stiles to his feet and kiss him passionately. "Don't do that again." Alec lightly smacks his shoulder. "Love you too babe." Stiles smiles into the kiss.

"Damn I look badass." Allison gasps seeing what the nogitsune dressed her in. "Can't believe I'm saying this but the nogitsune has style." She chuckles. "Yea, you do look pretty badass, could give Jace a run for his money." Stiles smirks.

"Hey!" Jace yells.

"Allison!" Scott yells running towards her. It's all a blur but the next thing you know Allison has her bow loaded and ready to shoot at her ex. "Don't take another step McCall." She sneers. Scott stops and give her a betrayed look. "W-what did I do." He gives puppy eyes which doesn't work.

"What did you do? You mistreated Stiles, Isaac might've not told you but the nogitsune possessed 2 months ago, in those two he was watching you all, thinking he'll find Stiles, but color me surprise when I saw through his eyes that Stiles wasn't there and you all was talking down to him! Plus Lydia and Stiles friends are the only ones that came to our side!" She yells glaring at everyone expect the shadowhunters and Lydia

"Because he's useless! And defenseless!" Scott roars.

Allison eyes goes dark and she releases the arrow and it hits right into Scott's shoulder. "You say he's useless, but yet him and his friends are the ones that saved me, from that hellhole!"

"Now, I'm gonna leave with Stiles and his friends, so goodbye. By the way that arrow has wolfsbane in it." She looks at Stiles. "Right, hold on I gotta draw the portal." He nods, she looks at him confuse but then a portal appears out of nowhere.

They about to walk in when Lydia stop them. "Can I come?" She looks down. Allison smiles and drags her into the portal.

The End.

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