I'll Call Mama

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I know sometimes it's hard
The day keeps butting in
But she said
Just go with the wind

She even told you
These simple words

Baby don't frown
Just keep your head up
Just own the town
Before the day is done

I'm a woman of word
There might be demons
But have you ever heard
Of the word no
Because know I'll never leave you
And you just call mama

The lives may not last
The days might run dry
But she'll always be that shoulder
Where you can always cry
She gives you three words
Before she had to say goodbye

It might have been a few years
And it hurt you deep inside
And you've shed so many tears
It shows up on the outside
It's so hard to keep it locked up
And the tears continue to shine
We look out the window
And we let out a big sigh

Come back as we all say
But we know we won't have another day
To say our prayers and say goodbye
So I'll pick up the phone
Just to hear her voice one more time
The tears may well up in your eyes
But her words stay true on the inside

I'm a woman of my word
There might be demons
But have you ever heard
Of the word no
Because know I'll never leave you
And you just call

I'll call mama
When I'm sad
I'll call mama
When I'm mad

I'll call mama
When I'm down
I'll call mama
When I come to town

I'll call mama
When I'm sad
I'll call mama
When I'm mad

I'll call mama
When I'm alone
I'll call mama
When I get home

And she would say

I'm a woman of my word
There might be demons
But have you heard
Of the word no
And just know my baby
I'll be in your heart forever
And just remember
To call mama

Yeah I'll call mama

She's a woman of her word
There might be demons
But I have heard
Of the word no
Because I know she'll never leave me
So I'll call mama

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