Soon You'll Get Better

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I never got to say goodbye 

But at least I got to 

Share my love from afar 

I was scared that you wouldn't be here 

I never thought that you would be gone 

As I said in my head for you 

Soon you'll get better 

I'll miss you

Soon you'll get better

I'll miss you

You need to get better

Because you need to 

It was always the way that you tried

It was all the nights that I cried

You were there to hold my hand

Even when my mind wasn't in this land

And you were there for every great moment

I didn't think that your doctor's appointments were something

My uncle pulled me over to the side

Told me that I needed to try harder than ever

Because we might not have long until we say goodbye

Which made us more scared as I said to you 

Soon you'll get better

I'll miss you

Soon you'll get better

I'll miss you

You need to get better

You just have to 

Soon you'll get better

I'll miss you

Soon you'll get better

I'll miss you

You need to get better

But I need you 

I regret everything I did

I'm not the same as I was

I've changed in love of myself 

But I really miss you

I really miss you

We all do

As we pray to you 

Soon you'll get better

We miss you

Soon you'll get better

We miss you 

I wasn't ready for the day when I got the news

I was far away from home not close to you

But it happened way too soon

I wish that I had the chance to say goodbye to you

Your funeral was too harsh for all of us

We all cried and we all finally came closer

But it was without you 

Soon you'll get better

Because we need you

Soon you'll get better

Because I'll miss you

You'll get better soon

Because you have to 

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