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"Where are you going?" Kathy asked her husband as he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter.

"New case...probably won't be home tonight," Elliot replied, kissing her cheek and Eli's forehead.

"Be safe," she called to him as he went out the front door.

It was a trying couple of weeks. There were several investigations to work and not enough time to deal with them. Adding to the last week was the fact that outside of work, Elliot hadn't been able to see Olivia.

Eli had a cold and had been running a fever for the last two nights. He loved his son and he hadn't felt right about leaving Kathy to handle their eleven month old alone. He already felt guilty enough for stepping out on his wife but he wasn't trying to do that to his kids as well. His affair had nothing to do with his children and he didn't want to take even more time away from them then he already did with work. Secondly, Olivia had left for a conference upstate yesterday morning, not even giving him a heads up.

However, it was now almost nine o'clock Friday night and all of his kids were out of the house with the exception of Eli and he needed to see her. They had barely been alone together in the past week except for one car ride where they had gotten into a heated make out session at a red light. Elliot had noticed that it was getting harder for him to resist putting his hands on her and that he was needing to be with her more and more. It wasn't even for the sexual and physical part of their relationship but the connection he had with her, mentally and emotionally. She understood him in every aspect, and he understood her.

The last time he was with her, he realized he was in way too deep to ever be able to get out.


Olivia had just made it back to her hotel room after a long day of guest speakers and work shops. She was exhausted and the only thing she could even focus on was getting a steaming hot shower. Grabbing a bathrobe from the closet she made her way into the bathroom, spotting the giant Jacuzzi tub and deciding that a bath sounded infinitely better than a shower. She turned the water on full blast and as hot as it could go, letting it fill up while she stripped from her clothes.

She was pouring some bubble bath into the water when there was a knock on her door. Turning off the water and draping her towel around her body Olivia went to the door, checking the peep hole.

"Elliot," she gasped, pulling open the door to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you," Elliot replied softly while his eyes took her in.

"So you just drove the whole way out here?" She asked, still slightly stunned that he was standing in front of her.

He smirked and rolled his eyes, "Yes, Olivia. I drove the two hours so I could come see my girlfriend. That alright with you?"

"Uh...yeah," she stuttered, backing away from the door and letting him in.

"I've missed you," he told her once he closed the door, taking her in his arms and kissing her deeply. He pulled at her towel and then wrapped his arms around her naked body, her fingers threading through his hair.

"I missed you too," she replied breathlessly, taking his lips once more. She took his hands in hers, kissing his lips lightly, "I'm taking a bath if you'd like to join me."

"I was wondering why you were naked," Elliot murmured, kissing her neck and relishing in the moan that came from his lover's lips. "Lead the way."

She laced her fingers with his, leading him into the bathroom and getting straight to work on his clothes. Her fingers went to the hem of his shirt, pushing up underneath and against his skin. His muscles rippled under her touch and she kissed his throat, "How was your day?"

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