The Exorcism of Claire Nunez

Start from the beginning

"Uh, actually.... Both are a very big problem!"

"After I feast on your souls, agony will rule for a thousand millennia."

"How long is a millennium?" Toby asked breathlessly, laying on Claire's bed. "Is that like a million years?"

"I think it's a thousand," Jim answered.

"Indeed, Master Jim."

"I would not like my soul to be feasted upon if that's alright with everybody in the room." Toby whimpered out, backing away from the laughing Morgana.

"What's wrong with her?" Jim asked.

"Oh, I don't know," Steve started. "She's only taken over by some magic lady who wants to kill you and take over the world."

"Wow, your sarcasm was so needed! Thank you." Toby hissed out.

"She is most certainly possessed," Blinky replied.

"Does the name Morgana mean anything to you?" At that, Blinky gasped, his strong demeanor instantly dropping.

"You cannot hope to contain me, Trollish welp." Her body began to glow once more, chains rattling as they moved off of her. "I am the Eldritch Queen of the Seventh Plane." Her hair blew as the wind picked up around her before she pushed back onto the rug, glowing lines following the rug, symbols engraved on the floor as her chair lifted into the air, the same golden lines swirling around her.

"Baba Yaga, the Pale Lady. I have slain scores of Merlin's fools." She laughed as the chandelier above her flickered and died out.

"Well, Jim. Listen, I have faith but..."

"You really instill confidence in me," Jim said dryly.

"Gunmar AND Morgana? You cannot tell me that is terrible odds!"

Blinky covered his head, protecting himself from the bright light and the harsh winds. "I do know that name! This is far worse than I could have ever imagined!" Both Jim and Blinky pulled her back to the ground as she continued chuckling. "Morgan Le Fay, Merlin's apprentice."

"Like Merlin who made my amulet?"

"I spit on his name as I spit on his grave!"

"Sounds like they didn't get along," Toby muttered, appearing behind Jim.

"He thinks he can be rid of me? The fool." She hissed before cackling. "I will erase his name and all of his creations." She laughed once more.

"The sorcerer and sorceress dueled for centuries until Merlin sacrificed himself to banish her from our world. But now, she's here."

"I was about to ask what happened, but I guess I don't have to."

"There has to be more to this story, why on earth would they go against one another? I want to know more!" Eli cried, throwing his arms up as Toby leaned to the side, avoiding the frantic movements of the nerd.

"Oh, what little lambs. My work here is done. Gunmar knows how to bring the Eternal Night." She nodded her head, a pillow floating behind her as she leaned her head against it. "All you can do is sit back and watch the world as it burns."

"Oh, boy." Jim sighed.

"It's not possible. With what relics, what magics?" Blinky demanded, shaking Claire as the pillow fell, Morgana keeping her eyes closed and humming.

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