Of course, the magic dinner goblets would fill with anything you want, but it just didn't taste the same as a real Coke, straight out of the can.

Sugar and caffeine. If I wasn't in before I was now.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Percy agreed.

We walked down to the woods and kicked arounnd for some kind of monster to fight, but it was too hot. All the monsters with any sense must've been taking siestas in their nice cool caves.

We found a shady spot by the creek where Percy had broken Clarisse's during my first capture the flag game. We sat on a big rock, drank our Cokes, and watched the sunlight in the woods.

After a while Luke said, "You guys miss being on a quest?"

"With monsters attacking every three feet? Are you kidding?" Percy replied.

"Agreed, definitely do not miss all those near death experiences. And especially not being in a body bag."

Luke raised an eyebrow. And both Percy, and I had to confide.

"Yeah we miss it." I replied.

"How about you?" Percy asked.

A shadow passed over his face.

I was used to seeing the good looking, attractive Luke. The rom-com, beach teen surfer guy, but right now he looked weary and angry, not at all handsome. His blond hair was gray in the sunlight. The scar on his face looked deeper than usual. I could imagine him as an old man.

"I've lived at Half-Blood Hill year-round since I was fourteen," he told me. "Ever since Thalia . . . well, you know. I trained, and trained. I never got to be a normal teenager out there in the real world. Then they threw me one quest, and when I came back, it was like, 'Okay ride's over. Have a nice life.'"

As Luke spoke, I was reminded of my dad. What could have happened to him, if he had stayed at camp. Bitter, depressed, and forlorn. Resentful, because he was denied the chance, of living his life.

He crumpled his Coke can and threw it into the creek, which really shocked me. More than that, it angered me, I was brought back to the conversation I had with Grover. How humans were destroying the earth, polluting it, and ridding it of life. And now that I knew, that the earth was my mom, I took it quite a bit more personally.

I reached out my hand, and a vine exploded out of the creek, gripping the can, and then throwing it back to me. As I caught it, Luke looked over at me and smirked, I wanted to scold him for doing that, but some sense of fear and apprehension kept me from doing it. So I simply slid the can into my pocket, Percy looking between us uneasily, as Luke continued.

"The heck with laurel wreaths," Luke said. "I'm not going to end up like those dusty trophies in the Big House attic."

"You make it sound like you're leaving." Percy responded.

Luke gave us a twisted smile. "Oh, I'm leaving all right, Percy. I brought you both down here to say good-bye."

He snapped his fingers. A small fire burned a hole in the ground beneath Percy's feet. Out crawled something glistening black about the size of my hand. A scorpion.

Percy started to go for his pen.

"I wouldn't," Luke cautioned. "Pit scorpions can jump up to fifteen feet. Its stinger can pierce right through your clothes. You'll be dead in six seconds."

"Yeah, but it can't hit two targets at once can it."

I jumped at Luke pulling down the rose from my ear as it extended out into Earth's Cry. I swung the spear out at him, only for it to get caught by Backbiter. I felt him pushing against my weapon, and as a nineteen year old I knew I wasn't going to hold up against that. So I quickly disengaged pulling back my spear with one hand, as I unsheathed my dirk with the other. Spinning back around on Luke, as I came swinging with knife. But he was a great fighter, and once again much stronger than me. Backbiter came in fast, and knocked the blade out of my hand. I tried to bring up Earth's Cry to block but it was caught by his sword, and all it took was one twist, and it fell from my hand. I brought up my hands to protect myself, but he was too fast, and a swiftly planted a kick stuck me in the gut as I crumpled on the ground. And all it took was one last strike to the head, and I was out cold.

Percy Jackson x Male Reader The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now