I Bring A Knife to A Bull Fight

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Look I didn't want to be a half-blood.

Honestly having a godly parent kind of sucks. Monsters, painful death, not to mention no phones allowed. Overall, not great.

So, if you suspect even slightly that you don't know the full scope of your lineage. And if there's even the tiniest bit of you that thinks you might be one of us. Then stop and put down this book, turn off your reading tablet, close your computer, or delete whatever tab you have this on. Because once you start there's no going back.

The instant you begin to question who you are they will come after you. Trust me. I for one should know a thing or two about this. But if you're reading this and you're determined to go on and hear my story. Well then be my guest. Hopefully one of you can learn something from all of this but who knows.

My name is Y/n L/n. I'm 12 years old and for the past few months I've been traveling across the country fighting monsters and dodging traps at every turn. You know overall a pretty bad road trip.

But after weeks of journeying, I was finally coming to my destination. I ran through the streets of Long Island peering down alleys and street corners expecting some sort of monster to jump out at me moments before I made it to safety.

I wore a light gray unzipped hoodie that blew behind me as I ran. Beneath that I was wearing a black Star Wars t-shirt and some plain dark blue jeans. I had already discarded and scavenged for so many pairs of clothes that I had lost count. None of them lasted that long you know with the constant monster attacks. Even now these ones were covered in dirt, rips, and cuts. But they would have to do for now.

I made sure my dirk was still secured in its sheath. And I continued running along the street peering anxiously over the darkened area that surrounded me. The sun had already set and a storm had settled into the night. Wind and rain pelting me as I tried to ignore the storm. I had considered resting until morning came but I found that my body simply would not allow me to. Not while I was so close.

So there I was running down the street with rags for clothes, drenched in rain, and out of my mind exhausted. But still I urged myself forwards, the buildings slowly disappearing behind me as I followed the road. I looked up ahead as a flash of lightning illuminated the area around me. And in the distance on the edge of my vision I could see the silhouette of a giant pine tree atop the nearest hill. And my heart leapt with hope and relief.

She had told me to look for it. Told me that once I had crossed it I would be safe. All I had to do was make it to the crest of the hill and cross the threshold. I focused all my strength on running forward. Urging myself on. But as I continued, and I came closer up ahead of me I saw a terrifying sight.

A giant burly monster the size of a car standing in the center of the road. Back turned to me as it threw aside the scrapped remains of a wrecked car. The silhouette was intimidating enough but as a flash of lightning illuminated the beast a shiver ran up my spine. I was looking at the Minotaur. I remembered it from one of the books my dad had forced me to read. And my god the descriptions of it did not do it any justice. And I had fought quite a number of monsters for only being twelve, but this thing was pretty intimidating.

Quickly I ripped my eyes away from it as I looked past him. My eyes widening again as I saw three figures retreating from the monster. One seemed to be wounded as they were leaning on the other two for support. Suddenly I saw the bull crouch down slowly leveling its horns as it prepared to charge. And without thinking I pulled my dirk from its sheath and found myself running down the road. Fully prepared to fight a giant bull the size of a car with a weapon that was essentially a glorified knife.

Percy Jackson x Male Reader The Lightning ThiefOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora