Unfortunately, Clarisse could only muster six campers. The other four were still running  around with their helmets on fire. Annabeth appeared and ran toward them, trying to help. She taunted one  of the bulls into chasing her, then turned invis-ible, completely confusing the monster. The  other bull charged Clarisse's line. 
Phaedra ran after percy and was halfway up the hill—not close enough to help. Clarisse hadn't even seen either of the demigods yet.

The bull moved deadly fast for something so big. Its metal hide gleamed in the sun. It had  fist-sized rubies for eyes, and horns of polished silver. When it opened its hinged mouth towards a familiar figure, a column of white-hot flame blasted out. Phaedra quickly ran in front of the demigod and  pressed her palms together and swung them out diagonally forming a shield bug enough to cover both of them.

She could feel the heat blasting against her shield, trying to force its way through her shield, making her use even more of her energy to reinforce her protection.

The person under her protection decided to help her out and throw an object at the bull's eye, throwing the metal organism off its course, allowing Phaedra to let down her shield and turn around to find the identity of who she was protecting

She found Zaria sitting on the ground, wearing a cowboy hat, looking disappointed. "That's the last time I try to ride a bull! Giddyup my ass!"

Phaedra allowed a smile to break out on her face and laughed at her friend before she adopted a stern expression. "Zaria! We had this talk! We do not try to ride dangerous animals! It almost turned you into a burnt potato."

Zaria threw their hands up in disbelief, "Well this time, I was trying to go beyond riding horses cause I'm built different."

Phaedra shook her head and was about to say something else to the child of Athena, when Clarisse's voice brought her mind back to the danger at hand.

"Hold the line!" Clarisse ordered her warriors. 

Whatever you could possibly say about Clarisse, she was brave. She was a big girl with cruel eyes like her father's. She looked like she was born to wear Greek battle armor, but Phaedra didn't see how  even she could stand against that bull's charge. 
Unfortunately, at that moment, the other bull lost interest in frying Phaedra and Zaria. It turned, wheeling around behind Clarisse on her unprotected side. 

"Behind you!" Percy yelled. "Look out!" 

That fish shouldn't have said anything, because all he did was startle her.

Bull Number One crashed into her shield, and the phalanx broke. Clarisse went flying backward and landed in a  smoldering patch of grass. The bull charged past her, but not before blasting the other heroes  with its fiery breath. Their shields melted right off their arms. They dropped their weapons  and ran as Bull Number Two closed in on Clarisse for the kill.

As she helped Zaria up, Phaedra saw Percy lunge forward and grab Clarisse by the straps of her armor. He dragged her out of the way just as Bull Number Two freight-trained past. He swiped at it with Riptide and cut a huge gash in its flank, but the monster just creaked and groaned and kept on going.   

"Let me go!" Clarisse pummeled Percy's hand. "Percy, curse you!" 

"I'll go check on those two idiots and you can go and check on your siblings, ok?" Phaedra said turning to her friend.

"Gotchu. I'll do just that." Zaria agreed.

Phaedra turned to make her way over to Percy and Clarisse just as Annabeth kept busy. Before she could do so, she yelled out to Zaria "Wrong way! You, stay away from the bulls!" She heard a loud groan and footsteps going the opposite way from the bulls location, making her smile.

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