About ten minutes later, Lars came back and he was carrying a whole tray of food. I looked at him wide-eyed. "What the fuck? How did you get that?"

Lars grinned. "I stole it. They just left it laying around, and nobody was paying attention so I just grabbed it."

"Well thanks...we're all starving." Jason said as he grabbed a sandwich off the tray.

"Yeah, you can say that again." James agreed.

I grabbed some food and sat down with Lars. "This is why I love you. And y'know...I'm not even gonna question how you even stole that." 

Lars laughed. "I have my ways."


We spent all of today on the train, hanging out. Playing trivia, playing I spy, and just talking. It was quite fun.

It was nighttime when I looked out the window again. "I think we're almost home." I said, smiling.

Lars stood next to me and held my hand. "Yeah. I can't wait!" Lars then turned around and told me to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Lars opened the back door of the train car.

"Just trust me." He said.

We balanced as we walked across the coupling. We then stopped at a little platform with rails, at the very end of the train.

It was dark outside, and the moon was shining bright. It was beautiful. "We're gonna watch the stars and shit." Lars smiled.

He then leaned into me and pointed at a constellation. "You see that? That's called Orion."

"It's pretty." I whispered.

"Yeah." He turned to look at me, his beautiful eyes shining in the moonlight. "My dad and I used to do this shit all the time." He looked back out into the distance. "Fuck man, we used to be close."

I looked at him with a worried expression. "What happened between you guys?"

"I snuck out like once, and he and my mom got super pissed at me. Y'know having strict parents and all...and they sent me off to Crestview." Lars muttered.

"Just for that?" I said with a frown.

"That's what happens when you have parents who have money to blow." Lars said with a small sigh before continuing. "Why were you even at Crestview anyways? You don't seem like the type to be a 'troublemaker' at all."

"Oh y'know. Running away, flunking school, sneaking out, doing drugs. That type of shit. But I think in a way, Crestview sorta helped. It's like I'm never gonna do that again to like avoid places like Crestview." I replied.

"I never thought of it that way. Or maybe I'm just not that type of person to forgive easily." Lars said, grinning.

I laughed. "Yeah. Y'know it's so funny that we're quite different but so in love."

"Yeah." Lars whispered as we looked at the stars. He smiled. "We should go on a date."

"We should!" I grinned. 

"I think I owe you one." Lars said as he turned to me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me. I kissed him back. Which soon led to him opening his mouth more, inviting me in.

I gladly accepted, and we were soon making out. I moaned softly. He then leaned me against the railing as we continued to make out.

The train car's backdoor then opened and we jumped away from each other, as if someone walked in on us fucking.

Jason smiled. "Am I interrupting something?"

Lars and I looked at each other awkwardly. "No." I said as I flushed pink.

Jason raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, sure." He laughed before continuing. "Well, the train is about to stop as we're almost at our destination. So hurry up with whatever you two were up to."

I move to the other side of the platform and peered over the railing and we were in-fact almost there!  I could see the train station from here. 

Jason left and it was just Lars and me again. "That was kinda awkward!" I exclaimed as I buried my face in my palms.

Lars smirked as he put his hands on my shoulder. "Yeah? Well we can just continue that when we get to whoever's house we're staying at."

I blushed as he walked away. I quickly followed him back inside the train. "Wait for me!"

The train stopped and we all got off, still making sure to still keep a low profile. "Where are we gonna go now?" I asked as we sat down on a bench.

"I have a friend named Cliff who might be willing to share his house and shit, remember?" James replied. "We just need to find a way to reach out to him or atleast get to his house 

We walked around as we looked for a pay phone, we found one and James put a quarter in it. 

"Hello? Cliff this is James." He spoke into the phone. "My friends and I are gonna need to stay at your house." He paused, probably listening to Cliff's reply. "Yes, I know I was at boarding school but it's a long story." He paused again. "Alright, will do. Thanks!" James then hung up the phone. 

"Good news guys, Cliff will let us stay at his house for as long as we need!" James said happily.

"That's great!" I said with a smile. "Now the hard part, finding a cab or something."

Jason waved down a taxi and we all got in. "Where to?" The taxi driver asked as he peered through the rearview mirror.

James told the driver Cliff's address and we drove off. After about an hour of driving, we were finally there.

The taxi stopped in a small two story townhouse. We got out of the taxi and thanked the driver endlessly as we didn't have hardly any money to tip him.

James knocked on Cliff's door and after a couple of minutes, the door finally opened.

A tall man with long auburn hair stood in the front entrance. "Holy shit! James I missed you!" Cliff said as he pulled James into a hug.

"I missed you too, buddy." James said happily. They then pulled apart from the hug.

Cliff looked at the rest of us and smiled. "Are these your friends from boarding school?"

James nodded. "Yeah."

Cliff raised his eyebrows. "But...how did you all get out?"

James laughed. "It's a long story." 

Cliff then opened the door wider. "Well, come in and tell me all about it." He said as we all entered the house.


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