💊🦋 Chifuyu, would you?

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Baji held open the door to your apartment. He along with Chifuyu had picked you up from a dentist appointment that resulted in you needing to pull out one of your wisdom teeth.

Chifuyu was holding your arm like you were made out of glass. Baji rolled his eyes at the best friends. You two were always so love bird-like and I made him sick. Too much sweetness mixed with a hint of dumbass.

You were still a little loopy from the meds they knocked you out with. Baji was going to have the time of his life sending all the videos he got of you making a fool out of yourself to everyone.

Don't worry, it wasn't too bad, at least you didn't strip naked and try to walk out into the streets like Hanma did. Could you imagine the pile up that guy could have caused? His shlong on the evening news?

No, you just babbled nonsense. You cried about wanting to go to the zoo. Chifuyu convinced you to stop the waterworks with the promise of getting you some ice cream. You didn't even eat it... But Baji didn't really mind that, he got to eat it for you.

He could sense that Chifuyu's over protective boyfriend mode was activating. He lead you straight to your room and helped you under the covers. He fluffed up your pillow and looked over the pain meds they picked up.

Chifuyu was mumbling to himself with furrowed brows.

"She's not going to die y'know. Stop worrying so much."

Chifuyu looked up at Baji who was snooping around in your kitchen draws to find a takeout menu somewhere. Least he could do was order you two some food before he left. Chifuyu probably wouldn't even leave your side until the next day.

"I don't want her to be in pain. But I don't want to give her too much and make her sick."

All Baji could do was laugh. He's known you longer, years before he even met Chifuyu.

"When we were younger that girl used to take punches to the jaw and didn't bat an eye. I've seen her down 8 shots back to back then fall down some stairs only to get back up and say "Who put those stairs there?" ... Getting a tooth pulled out probably just tickled her."

"Then why did she cry?"

"She's doped up? I'd probably cry too if I had enough tranquilizer in me to take down a baby elephant."

"They didn't tranquilize her?"

"Whatever... Can she eat soup? Because I'm just getting her soup and you pizza."


Baji left and returned with food then left again within an hour and a few minutes. You took a short nap in that time. Still a bit out of it but conscious enough to know what was going on.

Chifuyu slid into bed with you and tried to find something to watch. Your face was a little puffy so he didn't want you to laugh to much but he didn't want you to be bored..

"Hey Chifuyu?"

"Yeah babe?"

"Would you love me if I was a caterpillar?"

He wanted to laugh. Caterpillar? He already went through this with you when you asked if he'd love you as a worm...

"Of course I would. You'd make a cute little caterpillar."

"Would you let me caterpillar on you?" You used your finger to pretend it was you on his arm.

He let out a chuckle. "Oh, Yeah. All day long.. but I'd have to make you a little harness so you wouldn't fall."

"Would you be with other girls?"

He wouldn't dare. You're the only caterpillar for him. "Absolutely not! If some girl tries to talk to me I'll pull you out of my pocket and say. "This is my girlfriend, I love her and only her. Leave me alone!" Then we'd walk off together like bad bitches."

"Ha... Okay good."

Chifuyu thought for a moment... "But uh.. what do caterpillars eat though? Would I have to carry leafs around in my pocket? Do I keep them in a Ziploc bag to keep them fresh or do you think you'd like them crunchy? Leaf chips!"

"You can feed me fruit.. Or cucumbers! I like cucumbers. Watermelon?"

"I could give you fruit. Keep an apple or something on me."

"What if you squish me?"

Oh right... He probably would on accident. He was known to always stuff things into his pockets. "I got it! I'll carry you around in a little container. I'd make it comfy for you, I wouldn't put a lid on it so you could breathe and not feel trapped."

"How would we sleep together? I can't sleep unless your by me.."

"Easy, I'd have a different container for bed time. We'd have Mitsuya sew you a little caterpillar bed with little pillows. I'd put it next to me, kiss you good night and I wouldn't be able to roll over and squish you."

"I probably wouldn't live long.. peke J might eat me."

Chifuyu gasped and shook his head. "No. I'd make sure he knows you're his step-momma in caterpillar form. He wouldn't eat you."

You let out a sleepy giggle. "Who's his real momma?"


Another laugh left you. Yah, you could see Baji as Peke J's momma.

It was quiet but by now Chifuyu's mind was stuck on the caterpillar thing. "You know... After a while you'd turn into a little butterfly.. I'd miss you while you become slime in your cocoon. But I bet when you're done cooking you'd be a pretty butterfly, like one of those really colorful ones."

Your face dropped. "I'd only live for about two weeks."

Chifuyu's face did the same. "Huh?"

"Butterflies only live for about 2 weeks right? That's the normal life span or no??"

Chifuyu shook his head. "Absolutely not.. while you're becoming unslimed, I'll be out looking for a witch or a wizard for you. That way when you come out I'll have them sprinkle some juju on you so you can stay alive."

"...... If you found someone like that wouldn't your first choice be for them to turn me back to a normal human? Do you not like me as a human?"

He was flabbergasted! "Uh..No! I mean yeah! But not to the not liking the human you part!  That would definitely be the first priority but I didn't know if that was an option or not!"

"Why are you yelling at me?!"

"Why are you instigating?!"

You both just stared at one another for a few seconds.. Chifuyu's lip twitched before you both just started laughing.

"I love you. ♡"

"I love you more.♡"


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