chapter 1

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Haruna had done this so many times.

Ever since the old neighbours had moved out, the house had been standing abandoned. It had probably been 7 or 8 years since another person but her had stepped foot inside the house.

She liked the quiet, she would do various things in the old room she usually occupied.

Even though she was an only child, her parents still filled the house with both loudness and expectations.

The room was a means of escapism.

It was second nature to her to climb the wall, she had sewed a bag specifically for the endeavour. An over the shoulder pouch more than a bag, she kept whatever she wanted to do that day in it.

On the faithful day she had the newest book she was reading, a manga and her phone with some headphones. It had become colder so she was wearing a jacket, she quite liked it. It was more of a trench coat than a jacket. Black with a red inside.

She routinely climbed the fence up the wall and inside the room. She had a little mat under the window, where she without looking up or around took off her shoes and let the bag and coat fall on it so the floor didn't get wet.

"Uhm, hello?"

Haruna looked up shocked. A tall girl with black hair was staring at her.

Just then did Haruna look around the room and noticed that the room looked differently than usual, it was filled with boxes.

"Oh.." Was all Haruna could answer. She hastily put on her coat and boots but the girl grabbed her arm before she could climb out the window again.

"Who are you? You can't just break into my room and leave!" The girl sounded irritated. Haruna couldn't help but notice the girl had a Korean accent.

"I'm Haruna, Osato Haruna.." she smiled shyly "I love next door"

She wasn't sure if she had to explain more, the more she thought about it the more she realised she had routinely broken in, breaking the law almost everyday and the strange girl could tell the police that.

"I'm Kim Siyoon, I just moved in.. obviously" the girl smiled "well nice to meet you Haruna, I guess I'll see you around"

Haruna climbed out the window with the farewell, but couldn't help but wonder why the girl Siyoon had changed her demeanour so drastically.

"She's probably an E" Haruna mumbled to herself walking across the grass separating the two houses "but so am I and I don't act like that" she was really intrigued by the girl but chose to forget her. 

While she hadn't done any reading, or spent a lot of time at the now non-abandoned house it had somehow become late in the evening and she had homework to do.

The next morning Haruna had to go to school a bit earlier because she was part of the dance club.

In the summer vacation she had been abroad for a dancing competition, so it meant a lot to her that her school had opened a club for dancing too.

She spent most of her days off school dancing but she couldn't get enough, especially heel dancing was fun.

She usually walked to school, the day being nothing different, so she went her merry way.

The day before she had gotten some pocket money, so she decided to stop at a shop to buy a few snacks for the dance club.

As she was walking down the aisles something made her want to check out the magazine stand. She wasn't very into fashion, of course she cared about looking nice but she never really read fashion magazines.

A not so abandoned houseWhere stories live. Discover now