Chapter 9

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Kisses on the cheek were a thing now. A thing that happened quite often: waking up, going to sleep, passing the salad, watching tv, playing games and even training.

Thing is that every move made by one, was automatically adopted and accepted by the other. Started with the jokes, then the touching, passing by the sleeping arrangements and then the small kisses. For example, that afternoon added another one. You were making some tea on your station at the living room, and Max came behind you, hugged you around your waist and asked you to make one cuppa for him with a kiss on the cheek.

So that same thing was repeated by you later, while picking the movie for dinner. You cuddled his waist and peeked his laptop screen over his shoulder to see what were his choices.

That's why it wasn't a surprise when two mornings later, you were staring at the city from the balcony and Max said good morning with that same gesture. Only this time you covered his hands with yours and threw your head back to lay on his shoulder. He placed his chin on your own shoulder and swayed you both to nonexistent music. That went on for a while, until his tummy rumbled and you had to order breakfast.

"What if we never get to race again?" He said out of the blue, while you were resting and reading books.

"What? We will, Max, it's just that this is a weird situation to deal with..."

"But what if it takes too long and then we aren't fit to race anymore? To start again, to do it all over... I don't think I could..."

You saw this was no random question, because by the look in his eyes, this had been going around his head for a while now. "For you to forget all you know  millions of years might pass, you are pure talent, you have it in your blood..."

"Exactly, I carry it in my blood, I can't fail..."

You sighed, knowing where this came from. You stood up and went to his side of the sofa, sitting and placing his head on your lap, while you played with his hair. "Listen to me, Max, to err is human, to fail too, but there are no reasons to believe that your natural talent will vanish out of nowhere just because we are stuck here. You train physically and mentally more than anyone here, that's for sure. All your hard work makes you the best one around and the big names know that, so they might be trying now to level up their game to yours. So you raise that bar even higher, because I know you can, I know you have it and you know it too." You patted his chest with your other hand, never leaving his hair. "What you have here, that lion heart, doesn't leave just like that, because that's who you are."

"You truly are the best, seriously..." he said, stroking your knee. "Thank you so much, it means a lot that you think so."

"Anytime," you said, smiling down at his face and moving his growing fringe out of his face.

Later that day, one of the girls from social media and press, came to film him speaking a small line from his hotel door. She didn't even have to enter the room, so naturally Max took the task on the hallway. After it was done, she stayed to chat with him on the door, making jokes and inviting him to a game night in the staff rooms once the quarantine was cleared for him. You could hear her giggle and try too hard to make him like her, even playfully pushing him after a jest from Max's part. Not even once, she mentioned you, not even for work purposes.

After what it felt like an hour, they said goodbye, not before Max promised to play soon with them. He closed the door and sighed, exhausted. "That girl surely likes to chit chat."

"Well if she has someone that keeps her going she will do it..." you said, changing the channels on the tv without even watching them.

"True, but I felt bad for her, seemed like she needed to chat," he chuckled and sat with you. "What are you watching?"

"Nothing, there's nothing on tv," you gave him the remote and left the sofa. "Might go and take a nap."

He moved on his spot and opened his arms. "Come on, promise won't make any noise."

"No thanks, might use my bed for once..."

He frowned. "Did something happen? What's wrong? And don't say nothing because that wouldn't be honest."

"You just can be completely oblivious at times..."

"Over what? What did I miss?"

"Max, she was totally flirting with you over there!"

"What? That's not true, she was just talking nicely to me!"

You sneered. "Oh come on, you really couldn't tell? The hair movement, the touches, the giggles..."

"Well that could be the way she is..." he tried.

"Oh Max, you're so funny! You have to come play with us one night! Max you're a tease!" You imitated her with and exaggerated high pitched voice and curled your hair with tour finger. "Come on Max, she didn't even bat an eye at me when I said hello and I'm the bloody second driver at this team! Isn't she supposed to work with both of us? She didn't name me once and I was right there, passing behind you over and over!"

"She could have needed content from me only this time?" He ventured.

"Oh dear boy, this is what we girls do when we flirt with a guy that has another girl around them! Sounds awful but it comes out naturally, we just ignore their presence and make it all about the boy, every comment, every smile, all for the boy we want."

He laughed. "And you didn't like her doing that?"

You rolled your eyes. "Of course not!"

He stood up slowly and came to you, cuddling you softly against him. "And who's to say that I was flirting back?"

"You weren't, but she was and she was quite pretty, wouldn't blame you..."

He chuckled softly. "Oh, but I believe you would," he kissed the top of your head. "Besides, I wasn't even into her, I was just humouring her because of her job..."

"Okay..." you said and cuddled him back.

"We're good?" He asked. You nodded. "Good, because I wouldn't blame you for flirting with the bell boy that brings us lunch with your sport attire every day..."

"What? That's not true!" You said.

He laughed. "Oh really?" He started talking and walking like you. "Thank you so much Jack, this looks delicious! And then you walk away on your tight leggings and your sports bra to tip the poor guy. Saw him drooling over you yesterday!"

"If he's a perv it's not my fault!"

"Come on, the guy's totally crushing on you! The other day I picked the order while you were showering and the guy hates me! Threw daggers at me with his eyes, I'm surprised he didn't put something in my food!" He laughed.

"He doesn't hate you Max, if anything he idolises you! Must be starstruck!"

"Yeah, because I opened the door and he asked for you and when I said I would pick it because you were in the shower, he deflated and positively growled at me! Yeah, he loves me!" He said in a chuckle.

"Even if he has a crush doesn't mean I correspond him! No need to be all jealous." You said and giggled.

"Same could be said to you, then!" He giggled back.

You laughed with him and went directly to play with the hairs on his neck. "Okay, I'm not jealous anymore, just tell social media girl that the mechanics are good at games, not you..." you said and winked as you let a kiss on his jawline.

He smiled and trapped your chin between his index and thumb. "I will if you tell the crushing bell boy that he tips are money, not a hot girl after workout..." he smirked and bopped you nose. You giggled uncontrollably and let him go.

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