• "Nobody can torture my brother but me." •

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The screen showed a girl,about the age of 15,who wore a black dress with white collars,as her ebony black hair was in two plaits(or braids,depending on where you're from).

It showed her walking down the hallway of a busy high school,as people stopped in their tracks when they saw the girl,making a pathway for her,as if she were royalty.

"Why are they making a pathway for her?" Asked a curious James Potter. "Because she's evil." Remarked Bellatrix,grinning madly,causing a few to have shudders sent down their spines.

Once the pathway had been made,the girl went to a red locker,which was covered with graffiti done with a black permanent marker.

The mysterious girl opened the locker,and out fell a chubby boy,wearing black and white,just like her.

She dropped to the ground to help him immediately,untying chains around his body. "Who did this to you?" She asked. "I don't know." He answered shakily.

Suddenly,the girl looked up,as if struck by lightning,when the scene changed,her brown eyes wide. It showed a group of boys pushing the boy she was helping on the floor around.

It then showed them wrapping him around in a chain,and putting him in the locker. "So long,Addams." Said the boy that seemed to be the oldest,as he shut the door with a bang.

The hall just stared. "So that's bullying in the muggle world. Seems harmless to me." Shrugged Bellatrix,who was enjoying the show. Muggle borns,especially first years,who were bullied in the muggle world,were in shock,thinking about what wizard bullying was like.

"But then why did she look up into the air in shock?" Questioned Lily Evans. "It appears that she is a different kind of seer,Miss Evans." Replied Dumbledore.

"Wednesday? What's wrong??" Asked the boy on the floor. "Leave this to me. I know who did this to you!!" Said Wednesday,as she ran off,leaving the boy behind. "Wednesday! Wednesday,wait!" Said the boy,and then groaned and fell
back to the ground.

                     *** The screen then switched to show the group of boys that were bullying the younger boy in an indoor swimming pool. It showed them laughing deeply,and talking about bullying some kid that they had seen,but their conversation was interrupted. "Oi,you lot." Said a feminine voice that was sharp.

It was Wednesday.

Wednesday was standing there,holding two bags full of water and some very vicious looking fish that were in them.

"No." Muttered Lily. "She can't have." She said,as Sirius asked, "Can't have what?" "Those fish in the bags,their bites are so poisonous and sharp that they can kill." She explained,while everyone but Slytherin were scared of what she was going to do.

"What'd you want,Addams??" Questioned one,making the others burst into their annoying deep laughter.

"I want revenge. Remember this. Nobody tortures my brother but me." She said,as she then let go of the bags,dropping this fish into the water.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Everyone in the water screamed,and quickly scrambled out,but the bullies weren't so lucky. The fish went after them and chased them,it's teeth looking hungry.

The boys swam as quick as they could (which was pretty slow) to the other end of the pool. All of them were out by a few minutes,except for two. The fish saw this as an opportunity,for they dug their sharp,poisonous teeth into the both the boy's legs. The two screamed in agony,as their blood turned the pool red.

Now the hall was 3 quarters silent,because Slytherins and the Marauders were clapping for the 15 year old girl. "She would make a perfect Slytherin." Whispered Bellatrix to Narcissa and Rabastan,as the next set of scenes played.....

" Whispered Bellatrix to Narcissa and Rabastan,as the next set of scenes played

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