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"In other news,Rap star and Ceo of Empire Entertainment Hakeem Lyon has reportedly gotten married,to none other than Diamond recording artist Storm Cruz who also just happens to be an Empire signee.The two 'tied the knot' at a chapel in Vegas.It has been reported that Hakeem surprisingly attended Storm's show in Las Vegas over the weekend.Apparently too many shots at the afterparty,where the two reportedly did'nt leave eachother's side,led to the pair saying their 'I do's' in the centre of an empty Vegas chapel,with a Prince impersonator between them.Currently that is all thats been reported,we are still waiting for more information,which we will report back immediately.So make sure you stay tuned,for more updates coming your way soon.This has been your host,your boy from Brooklyn, DJ-Aquatic.Keem is married y'all,again!(Laughs)Thank you for listening to BM FM,and we'll be back with the results from the NBA finals,but first listen to this amazing song from one of the greatest G's of all time-"

The DJ's voice became less audible as Lucious turned the knob on the diamond-encrusted radio.

"Punk-ass lil white boy!"Hakeem yelled while launching his ball across his office and into the net,hung up on the wall,near the window that offered a perfect view of the Empire State.

"If it wasn't for me he wouldn't have his lil goofy-ass radio show!"
"I'm the one that put him on the scene."
"'Keem's married again y'all'Man fuck him and his-"

Hakeem turned to face his father,who was seated with his legs crossed,on one of the chairs infront of Hakkem's glass table.

"Now you're gonna watch your tone when you speak to me."

Lucious scolded making Hakeem roll his eyes.

"Acting like you ain't got no sense.Whats wrong with you?"
"Whats wrong with me is all these clout chasing white boys who use you and then drop you for some downloads."

Hakeem leans on the chair next to Lucious.Straightening his form as his office door is aggressively swung open.

"Damn Boy!"

The sound of Cookie's heels echos throughout the room.

"Mom,I'm not gonna do this with you right now!"
"Yeah.Well I didn't wanna have to deal with another one of your little shot-gun weddings.But here we are!Wait is that what this is?"Cookie leans in"Is she pregnant?"
"Thats not an answer Hakeem!"
"She ain't pregnant."
"Great so I'll contact the Lawyer,and this will all be over by next week."

Lucious said looking between Cookie and Hakeem.

"But we have to play nice,she's a valuable asset.Empire's first diamond."Lucious stated looking at Cookie.
"Yeah.We'll just offer her a bonus then make her sign an NDA."

Cookie looked up from Lucious to Hakeem as she sat on the arm of Lucious' chair.

"What did you say?"
"I said no."
"Hakeem."Lucious warns
"No dad."
"So you don't want an NDA?What if one day she decides you're the worst human being on the planet,and drags you through the mud?You know you would think becoming CEO would've actually given you some damn brains."Cookie scoffs.

Hakeem furrows his eyebrows before walking in the direction of the door.

"Boy,you better-"
"Call off your lawyers,cause I ain't signing shit,and neither is my girl."
"Well we were still talking,where are you going?"Lucious asks

Hakeem opens the door and turns to face his parents.

"I ain't got time for this shit.I'mma go be with my wife."

Hakeem walks out,slamming the door in the process.

"You know what-"

Lucious wraps his hands around Cookie's waist as she attempts to stand up.Stopping her from going after Hakeem.

"You better get your hands off me Lucious...thank you."
Storm sat on a stool with her head phones on in the recording booth.With her head down as she added some notes to the printed lyrics on the paper she was holding.

Hakeem eyes immediately fell on her when he walked into the room.He smiled before turning his head to the 2 men sitting on the couch in the corner.They were listening to the radio on one of their phones.

"Surprisingly attended Storm's show in Las Vegas-"

Storm looked up when she noticed the purple haired female swiftly stand up from the chair behind the engineering table.She quickly took her headphones off and rushed outside the booth.

Hakeem was being held back by Set,the purple haired female,who was also Storm's producer.Preventing him from getting to the 2 men in the corner,who he lunged at after throwing the phone against the wall.

"I pay you to work,not to listen to that shit!"Hakeem yelled at Drop and Cyphus.
"Okay Hakeem,they got it.Chill."
"Fuck off of me!"
"Hakeem."Storm called out.

Hakeem looked in her direction and his features instantly softened.Struggling out of Set's hold on him.He raised a side of his nose up at her,before walking over to Storm.

He wrapped his arms around her neck as she wrapped her arms around his waist and he kissed her forehead.Separating from her,Hakeem loosely hung his arm around her neck,and turned back to face Set,Drop and Cyphus.

"All of you...get out."
"Hakeem I'm sorry but like you said we're working."Set let out,making Hakeem smirk.
"I'm sorry too,cause you must've misundertood me...I wasn't asking as Hakeem.I was asking as your boss.So get the fuck out!"

Hakeem yelled making Drop and Cyphus stand behind Set,who surprisingly did'nt quiver.Instead she folded her arms.

"Guys please give us a minute."Storm pleaded with a smile.
"Fine.Your sixty seconds start now.Come on boys."

Storm and Hakeem followed their movements as they walked out of the room.Hakeem sucking his teeth when the door was slammed shut.

"She forgets that I could fire her ass if I wanted to."
"Yeah,but she knows that you wouldn't do that because she is the producer of Empire's top artist."

Storm said with a smile before Hakeem turned to her and planted a kiss onto her lips.He leaned back and smiled as their foreheads touched.

They separated and Hakeem put Storm's hands into his own.

"I haven't seen you in a minute.You been holdin' up okay?"He asked with a look of concern on his face.
"I'm okay...but to think that I thought that announcing that we were dating was gonna cause havoc.This is next level Keem."

Hakeem followed behind Storm as she walked in the direction of the couches.He sat on the table infront of where she sat and held her hands.

"I know but remember what I said...forget about everyone else...Its only me and you."
"You're right.But how did the meeting with your parents go?"
"I don't wanna talk about that right now.My mood's been ruined enough."

Hakeem smiled at Storm,before leaning in for another kiss.

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