Bird Parade And Sparrow Scouts.

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It was the day of the bird parade and with Lily with their parents and Frida with her scouts group, Lincoln had decided to have a stroll around with his most loyal friend, a female ice fox named Sapphire.

It was the day of the bird parade and with Lily with their parents and Frida with her scouts group, Lincoln had decided to have a stroll around with his most loyal friend, a female ice fox named Sapphire

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He meet this adorable creature a month after moving to Trollberg,


Lincoln had just started his new training routine and was jogging along the wall of the city, when he heard a pained cry.

Looking around he saw some droplets of blood on the ground leaving a small trail into some bushes, inside them he found the small creature clearly in pain from an injury on its left front paw.

"Poor thing." Said the boy approaching it, getting some growls as it bared its teeth to him.

But he still tended his hand to it on a non threatening way, and after the creature had smelled him and stopped growling he sat next to it and carefully picked it.

Lincoln took the small being to his house and carefully disinfected and wrapped the wound.

Upon doing so the creature decided to stay with him, and became highly protective of him and his sisters.

*Flashback end*

The white haired boy and blue furred fox were walking around when he saw Trevor, one of Lincoln's classmates and noticed that he was carrying a cage with a raven inside.

Intrigued he followed the kid and saw him put the cage on the railing of a bridge over a river and start shouting to the bird and shaking the cage, until for some reason Trevor turned around letting go of the cage, causing it to fall into the water bellow.

Without stopping for as second, Lincoln got to the bridge, took off his jacket and shoes and jumped to save the bird.

Just as he breached the surface of the water he heard a voice shouting "You are the gre..." but he couldn't hear the rest as his head got underwater.

As the white haired boy tried to find the caged bird under the water, he heard the sound of another body falling into the water.

Seconds after that he saw a bright light shine from the depths blinding him.

Before he could recover his vision, he felt something pushing him upwards and out of the river, before twisting in the air while shouting "I remember everything!"

"I told you I was bigger, I only take that little form when I'm being discreet." said the gigantic bird.

"I knew it, you are the great raven." Said a female voice, making the boy notice his companion on this flight, the cute green haired girl that approached them at the playground.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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