The argument

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Enid's POV

As I walk back to my dorm Mrs Thornhill stops me outside my door.

"Yoko and that are wondering if you would like to stay with them for a bit after what happened" she says

"Yeah I will I just need to pack a bag then I'll head over" I answer as she nods and walks away when I walked in I walked to my bed and layed down for a bit I can't believe I almost died because I wanted to spend time with Wednesday I try so hard to be her friend and nothing just her trying to get me killed.

I stand up and start looking for my bad when I found it I started throwing from clothes into it as I do the door opens I turn around to see Wednesday staring at me confused.

"Where are you going?" She asks as I pack my laptop into the back

"Yoko's room thornhill said I could stay there for a few nights" I say putting the charger into my bag as well

"There's no need, I spoke with wims you and Xavier won't be punished" Wednesday says as I zip my bag up.

"Am I supposed to thank you?" I ask annoyed

"I already apologized, It's over" Wednesday replies

"Over, tonight was just the icing on the birthday cake you couldn't even be bothered to cut, you will use anyone to get want you want even if it means putting them in danger, we could have died tonight because of you stupid obsession" I say

"But we didn't" Wednesday cut's me off "Now I'm one step closer to solving this case that is what is important" I scoff as I look at her annoyed 

"I've tried really really really hard to be your friend always put myself out there thought of you feelings told people 'I know she gives off serial killer vibes but she's really just shy" I say

"I never asked you to do that" She snaps cutting me off again

"You didn't have to!" I yell cutting her off "because that's what friends do they don't have to be asked, and the fact that you don't know that says everything!" as I turn around I grab my bag and start heading to the door.

"You wanna be alone Wednesday? Be alone" I say as I walk past her out the door

Wednesday POV

As I watched Enid slam the door behind her I look at her side and then walk to the window I sit down on the fall in a ball as I try not to cry for some reason usually i don't have a problem in someone yelling or being mad at me but this was different I actually felt bad and upset about it, It's annoying me because since I met Enid all I have been thinking about has been here and the hyde but she was mostly on my mind everytime I would see her my day would be better and now I have probably just ruined it.

The next day

I was Staring at Enid's side trying to figure out why I miss her so much I turn about to focus on something else Enid walks in for the third time today.

"Hi, Sorry I figured you were still at Mayer Walker's wake" She says noticing me standing there 

"As soon as the dirt hits the coffin, I'm out" I say standing there with my hands behind my back

"I can't seem to find my bottle of silver moon nail polish. Do you mind if I look around?" She says with an awkward smile as I stop my music

"Yoko's hosting a mani-pedi party for her crew" She says 

"This is the third time in past 24 hours you have forgotten something" I say crossing my arms

"So, how is everything going?" She asks looking for it

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