Chapter 4-The Tea Shop

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The next day at breakfast, Cho received a letter. It was from a brown tawny owl with the most brilliantly fluffy feathers. It was Cedric's owl. The letter said:

My dearest Cho,

Thank you very much for giving me the honor of escorting you to the Yule Ball. I had a wonderful time. I was wondering if you would once more give me the honor of taking you to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop in Hogsmeade during our next visit.

Forever yours,

Cedric Diggory

Cho was amazed. Not only did she go to the Yule Ball with Cedric Diggory, she also was getting to go on yet ANOTHER date with him! Cho turned to the hufflepuff table behind her. Cedric was watching her with a grin. He gave her a small wink as he gathered his things for his next class.

Cho had divination. She sat down on the small cushions in professor Trelawney's classroom. They were doing crystal balls.

"My dear sweet child," professor Trelawney started "you have a great deal of excitement ahead of you."

"Yes, I do," Cho said with a grin.

"But..." Professor Trelawney continued "there is a great deal of grief and distress heading your way," She added with a grim look on her face.

Then class ended.

"Gee, what was that about?" Marietta asked.

"I don't know, though I hope she isn't right."

Their next Hogsmeade visit was two weeks later. Cho and Cedric decided to just wear their uniforms. Word quickly spread about how Cedric and Cho were going on another date.

*****In Hogsmeade*****

Cedric and Cho were comfortably seated at a small table in Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop in Hogsmeade. They were sitting by the window, for all to see, although that wasn't their intention.

"So," Cedric said awkwardly.

"So," Cho said exactly.

Then, as if on cue, Harry Potter and his friends walked by, stopped in front of the window, looked at them, then slowly walked away.

Harry's POV

"Blimey," Ron exclaimed "they're on another date?"

"Ron!" Hermione called "Don't talk about people's personal lives behind their backs! How would you feel if they did that to you?"

Harry wasn't listening to their constant bickering, he was just thinking about how it would be like if he and Cho went on a date together.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled "Hello? Have you been listening to a word I said?"

"Er, not really" Harry admitted "Was it important?"

Hermione looked annoyed, but Ron had a scared, pink-ish/red-ish color to his face.

"D-D-Did your sc-scar hurt?" Ron asked with a stutter.

"No," Harry said "I was just deep in thought."

"Oh," said Ron.

Cho's POV

"So," Cho started "do you come here often?"

"No," Cedric said "this is my first time"

"Oh," Cho said, a little bit taken aback "I thought you would have been here before."

Cedric took that as a compliment.

"Thank you," he said "I never knew you thought about me in that way"

"Oh," Cho said as she took a sip of her tea "I think everybody thinks of you that way."

The two of them sat in silence for a little while and slowly drank their tea and ate the small heart-shaped finger sandwiches and pastries. When they both finished their food and drinks, they decided to head back to school together.

"Thank you for a lovely afternoon," Cho said.

"The pleasure is all mine," Cedric replied.

And on that note, they parted their separate ways and headed back to their dormitories.


Hi readers! Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I've been swamped with schoolwork and my mac got a virus! Don't worry, it's gone now. I'm finally done with this post, and I'll try to post more parts really soon! :) Please vote and comment!


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