Chapter 3- The Yule Ball

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The Yule Ball was announced to be on Christmas night, and the Triwizard Champions were to attend and open with a dance, along with their chosen partner. Since the Yule Ball was such a formal event, everyone in attendance was required to either wear their dress robes (for the boys) or a dress (for girls). Cho was excited, but she didn't know who she wanted to go with, so she decided to just wait for whoever would ask her.

"So, Marietta, who do you want to go to the Yule Ball with?" Cho inquired.

"Um, I don't know. Maybe Cormac McLaggen. He's kind of cute."

"Hmm, I've never actually noticed him. Which house is he in?"

"Gryffindor. Same as Harry Potter," Marietta teased.

"Yeah, whatever. I don't care," Cho brushed off cooly.

"So when do you think Harry Potter will ask you?"

"I don't know, but what do you know about Cedric Diggory?"

Marietta was curious. Why would Cho be asking so many strange questions? Did she also like Cedric? How could someone like two people at the same time? Was that even possible?

Cho was walking to the Great Hall for lunch when someone called her name.

"Cho! Cho Chang! Wait!"

Cho turned around.


It was Cedric Diggory.

"Listen, I saw you the other day by the greenhouses and couldn't stop thinking about you since. And I was wondering, do you have a date to the Yule Ball? If you already have a date then, erm, don't worry about it," he hastily added.

Cho was shocked. Was the undoubtedly handsome Cedric Diggory asking her to the Yule Ball?

"Um, no. I mean, yes. I mean, I would love to."

"Great. I will see you then."

"O-Okay," Cho said, still in shock.

Marietta was inconspicuously standing behind a stone post. As Cho walked closer to the Great Hall Marietta ran up behind her.

"You have a date!" Marietta screamed.

"Yes! I know! I can't believe it!" Cho screamed back.

The two of them walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the table. Marietta, being the big-mouthed person she was, started telling everyone about Cho's date to the Yule Ball.

"Cho got a date, Cho got a date," she loudly sang.

But it wasn't loud enough for Harry to hear. The next day, he was planning on asking her before dinner and after she came out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Er-Cho? Could I have a word with you?"


"Er, wangoballwime?"


"D'you-d'you want to go to the ball with me?"

"Oh! Oh Harry, I'm truly sorry, but I've already said I'll go with someone else."

"Oh," said Harry "Okay, no problem."

"I'm really sorry," Cho said apologetically.

"That's okay."

"Well-" Cho said.


"Well, 'bye," said Cho.

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