A Film by Dale Squires

Start from the beginning

"So that's why I went with a handheld camera. I wanted to give it that panicky, jittery feel, you know?" Dale explained.

"I love that panicky, jittery feeling!" Cat exclaimed.

"And it was totally brilliant how you didn't even see his wife in that scene." Tori said.

"Yeah, cause it made you think, like, 'where is she?'" Andre agreed.

"Well, to be honest, she wasn't in the scene because the actress who played the wife got food poisoning and was puking in the bathroom. But hey, I'll take brilliant."

"One time, I ate a hamburger. And then, like, an hour later, I started sneezing, but I don't think it had anything to do with the hamburger." Cat randomly said.

"Maybe your red hair dye seeps through your scalp and into your brain." Jade sarcastically said.

"Can that happen?!" Cat asked, frantic, touching her hair.

"No, Cat." I said, then turned to Jade, sending her a glare. "Jade." I scolded.

"So, Dale, why don't you tell my class why you're here?" Our teacher asked.

"Yeah." Damien nodded his head.

"Well, Chris asked me if I'd help you guys make a short film, kind of as a class project." Dale explained.

"A what?"

"No way."


"And you'll direct it?" Tori asked.

"Is that cool with you?"

"Uh. That's very cool with me, Dale Squires." Tori grinned.

"So, what kind of movie are we gonna make?" I asked, excitedly, playing with Beck's fingers.

"I don't know. I was thinking something maybe intense, scary."

"Like Jade?" Rex asked, chuckling.

Jade turned in her seat and faced Rex, hitting him with her journal. Rex fell out, his head falling onto Beck.

"Oh! You knocked him unconscious!" Robbie exclaimed, picking Rex up.

"Hey, Beck, maybe we could rework that one-act play you wrote last semester?" Our teacher suggested.

"Yeah, I'd be into that." Beck nodded, as I excitedly hit his knee, grinning.

"Oh. And I talked to a guy in the biz, he's gonna let us use professional film cameras, lights, whatever we need." Dale said.

"Where are we gonna film?" Andre asked.

"Oh!" Tori put her arm up, "We can shoot it at Y/n and I's house?" Tori suggested, looking at me.

I shrugged, nodding my head as I smiled. "Yea, that'd be cool."

"All right. I think we're making a movie!"

Trina popped up from behind the plexiglass podium, smiling at Dale as she held up her headshots. "I created this photo of me and Johnny Depp together, so you could see what we might look like as a—" She explained to Dale.

"On Santa Claus!" Tori and I yelled at the same time.

"Bladder infection!" She yelled back.

Our teacher put his head down, touching the bridge of his nose as he sighed. "Out!" He yelled, pointing to the curtains, making Trina run off.

"Hey!" Tori exclaimed when Damien tried to touch her face. Damien freaked me out more than Sinjin and his friends, and that's saying a lot.

 Damien freaked me out more than Sinjin and his friends, and that's saying a lot

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