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“One of you idiots get the turkey!” Rebekah shouted at her brothers, causing Finn to huff and head into the kitchen, “Klaus! Finish the decorations. Kol! Get that body out of here! Elijah! Go help Freya!”
“You even try that with me and I’ll dagger you until Christmas is over,” Vixie snapped, narrowing her eyes at her sister-in-law. Henrik and Hope giggled on either side of the woman, snuggling into her side.
“How can you threaten me with your children right there?” Rebekah asked in disbelief.
“They’re used to it,” Vixie shrugged, her hands rubbing soothing circles on the twins’ shoulders. They gave their aunt sugarcane sweet smiles, burrowing deep in their mother’s arms.
“They’re doing this on purpose,” Rebekah accuses, crossing her arms as she stands in front of her friend.
“They’re Mikaelsons,” Vixie shrugged, as if that answered everything. And to her, it did. Rebekah scoffed and threw her hands into the air and stalked off towards the kitchen. Snickering, Vixie hurried the two seven-year-olds up the stairs. Quickly, she ducked the children into her bedroom, where she had three outfits laid on the bed. Hope giggled and raced up to the bed, picking up the outfit and holding it up for her mother to see. Vixie laughed gently at the long-sleeve brown shirt with a turkey in the bottom right corner. She’d picked it out weeks beforehand but still thought it adorable.
“Go get dressed, angel,” Vixie told her daughter, handing her a pair of blue jeans, underwear, and socks. She giggled and darted into her mother’s bathroom, her dark hair flashing a bright blonde as she closed the door behind her. Henrik walked over and picked his outfit up. A small, more timid than his sister’s, grin curled his lips. In his hands was a brown, umber red, and orange plaid shirt with dark blue jeans.
“Go on,” Vixie laughed, nudging her son towards the door. Glancing back at his mother once, Henrik gathered his clothes and darted across the hall to his room. Shaking her head fondly, Vixie closed the door and stripped herself of her clothes. A smirk curled Vixie’s lips as she pulled on the flowy white top and dark blue jeans that lay on her bed.
“Mummy! Mummy!” Hope cried, erupting from the bathroom just as Vixie was pulling on her socks, “My hair! Do my hair!” Laughing, Vixie patted the bed and Hope flounced over, plopping down in front of her mother. Humming, Vixie pulled her daughter’s hair into a dutch braid. Finishing the braid off and typing it with a reddish brown ribbon, Vixie placed a pair of tan ankle boots in her daughter’s hands.
“Mama,” Henrik called as he entered Vixie’s bedroom, “What shoes should I wear?”
“Those,” Vixie responded, gesturing with her head towards the shoes sitting near her nightstand on the floor. Her own hands were busy tying her tan knee-high boots.
Darling!” Kol shouted, bursting into the bedroom and causing Vixie to jump, scowling as the string came untied. Kol shot her an apologetic look and tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Vixie to tie her boots.
“It’s time!” Kol blurted when Vixie’s attention returned to him, “Damon, Elena, and Stefan arrived.”
“Did they have to bring her?” Vixie scowled, irritated at the mention of the brunette doppelganger, “What about Caroline? Where is she?”
“Damon said, and I quote, “the Blonde Barbie is trying to get the Underaged Hunter and the Wolfpire Puppy to put some clothes on and actually get here on time,” Kol told her, plopping down on the bed.
“Jeremy’s twenty-four,” Vixie frowns, her eyebrows scrunching together in confusion but all she receives from Kol was a shoulder shrug.
“C’mon!” Kol pouts, speeding in front of his mate, “Henrik’s looking remarkably like Elijah and Hope look like a Mini Bekah. Goal achieved. Let’s gooooo!” Vixie laughed as she pulled on an orange knitted jacket that hung to mid thigh. Grabbing the twin’s hands in her hands, she followed Kol downstairs where the previous group had expanded to Ric, Bonnie, Enzo, Matt, April, Kai, and Katherine. While most of the group was calm, Katherine was glancing around with worry in her dark brown eyes.
“Relax, Kitty,” Vixie grinned as she descended the stairs, “The minute you married Kai, you became family.”
Katherine, who’s eyes hadn’t left Niklaus, spoke up, “I know. It’s just a strange sight.”
“Daddy!” Hope screamed, racing away from her mother and jumping on her father, “Hi, Daddy!”
“Hi, sweetheart,” Klaus grinned, kissing his daughter’s nose. Hope giggled and scrunched up her nose, a wide smile crossing her face as she snuggled into her father’s care.
“Let’s get this thing started!” Jeremy shouted, walking through the door with Tyler, Caroline, Keelin, the Saltzman twins, Marcel, and Cami in tow.
“That’s… convenient,” Vixie muttered, “How????”
“It was an accident,” Caroline muttered, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment, “I had Lizzie, Josie, and Keelin with me when I went to get them before realizing that I didn’t have enough seats for six people so I had to call Marcey and Cami.”
“Marcel,” the man muttered, glaring at the floor.
“Of course, sweetie,” Cami smiled, rubbing circles on the pouting man’s hand, “Shall we eat?” Henrik, who had already draped himself over Elijah, immediately perked up and waved viscously at Lizzie, who waved back just as viscously.

“My god!” Caroline exclaimed, taking a bite of mashed potatoes, “Who made this? It’s amazing!”“That would be me,” Vixie admits with a light blush

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“My god!” Caroline exclaimed, taking a bite of mashed potatoes, “Who made this? It’s amazing!”
“That would be me,” Vixie admits with a light blush. It was true. Vixie had made most of the dinner alongside Bonnie, Finn, and Keelin. Most of the others, however, couldn’t cook to save their lives. The hardest part was keeping the twins away from their mother, who they were usually within five feet of.
“It’s not the best I’ve had,” Elena butts in, causing Vixie’s eyes to narrow, “My mother has this recipe. Yours is child's play compared to hers.”
“Shut up, Elena,” Stefan snapped at his aunt, already regretting inviting his ex-girlfriend to the feast.
“Mom couldn’t make any kind of potatoes,” Jeremy adds, confusion glittering in his eyes.
“It’s okay, Jer,” Caroline smiled, “Elena’s known for her drama-making ability.”
“As if you're one to talk, home-wrecker!” Elena snaps, glaring at Caroline, who’s smile dropped at the accusation.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Exactly what I said! You didn’t even wait a day for us to be apart before getting together!”
“You and Stefan were broken up for three months!”
“I think it’s time for you to leave,” Alaric interjected, seeing Vixie’s hand tightening on the table as she glanced over to the other room where the children were eating. There was a barrier erected so she knew they couldn’t hear but Elena was making quite the noise.
“I will not take advice from someone who fucks his best friend,” Elena snapped, causing both Damon and Alaric’s cheeks to heat.
“That’s enough!” Vixie shouted, standing abruptly and causing her chair to fly back with a high screeching noise, “And Alaric’s ‘advice’ just became an order. Caroline, Damon, and Ric are family, you are merely a reluctantly allowed guest. And you have just overstayed your welcome. Leave.” Elena’s mouth fell open and closed a few times before she huffed, snatched up her jacket and stormed out of the mansion with a scowl on her face, leaving silence in her wake.
“How about a nice dinner now?” Vixie smiled, causing everyone to return to eating.
“Mama,” Henrik called and the table turned to see both sets of twins smiling at the group.
“Yes, baby?”
The four children grinned before a neon turkey, fall leaf, pilgrim hat, and piece of pie appeared in mid air above their heads, “Happy Thanksgiving.”

Sorry, I’m late

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Sorry, I’m late. So late. Like ridiculously late. Anyways. I may, or may not, have been channeling my anger of my sister liking my step-dad’s mashed potatoes over mine into Elena’s sniping… As well as my irritation with Elena… Anywho. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

 Hope you all had a wonderful holiday

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2022 Holiday One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora