I Find Some Resolution

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Soon I was no longer sitting on the sidelines, I was pulled into the action. Singing, and celebrating with everyone at camp. I had never really fully done that before. I just preferred the calm, quiet of being on the side. But now I was at the center, and I did something I never expected to in that scenario. I enjoyed myself.

Later, after the party had died down, with  the campers filing back to their cabins, I caught Chiron on his way back to the big house.

"Chiron!" I yelled, as I approached him

He turned slightly from his walk down the trail, to face me. "Ah, Y/n my boy. What is it that you need?"

I went to speak but found that there were too many things that I wanted to ask. And frankly I didn't know how to ask them. So I simply said: "Mind if I join you on your walk back?"

"Not at all, my dear boy."

I nodded, and I followed along beside him. Sharing a moment of a silence with him before speaking. Taking in the feel of the early nights air, and the presence of open nature around us. It was calming, and it reminded me of home. I exhaled lightly, as I turned towards Chiron and spoke.

"You didn't have to do that."

He smirked slightly. "No I did not, but I felt that you needed it. Get you out of your shell, and all of that."

I nodded again, unsure of how to really respond. But eventually I decided to settle for what I really wanted to say.

"Thank, you."

He didn't reply with words, he simply nodded back. Taking my thanks in silence as we continued walking. And in a way that was the best thing he could have done.

I exhaled again. That same feeling of the air and nature around me returning. That presence that reminded me of home, of my mother, and my father. I sighed, turning back towards Chiron unsure of how to voice my question but continuing regardless.

"Chiron, did you. . . did you. . .?" I trailed off unsure if I really should be asking this. But as I debated with myself internally, Chiron settled it for me.

"Yes child, I knew your father."

I felt the breath catch in my throat.

"You did?"

I looked over at him, trying to gauge his reactions. But his face remained neutral, like he was attempting to hold back any hint he may let slip.

"Yes, a long time ago. No one here is old enough to remember it, Mr. D himself had not even been put in charge at the time. But I do, I remember it quite clearly."

For a moment an air of sadness broke through his stature. "He was your age when I found him. No, explanation, no warning, and no family. Just a scared young child hiding in our woods. How he managed to get in without anyone noticing is still beyond my understanding, but at the time I hardly questioned it." he sighed, "I brought him out of the forest of the camp. Cleaned him, tended to his wounds, and listened. I tried to ask him where he had come from, who he was, and where his family had gone. But he only ever gave me his name, and a story. A fairy tale of sorts."

I looked back at him, slightly taken a back as he continued.

"Once long ago there was a woodsman. He lived quietly in the forest where he was content to live out his days peacefully within the quiet serenity of nature. But then a maiden came to him in his dreams. She was beautiful and the woodsman was entranced by her. That night in his dreams they held each other close. Spoke quiet comforting words to one another. And shared their love. But when he awoke there was no one there. No beautiful maiden. No warm touch. No soft-spoken words. No one to love. And the woodsman realized just how lonely his life really was. He went days in solemn sadness. Walking the trails of the forest he had once found beauty and peace in. But now all he could do was wish for someone to be there beside him. Someone he could love. He prayed and begged. Wishing with all his might that the woman in his dreams could share in his life. And one day the gods answered his prays. She appeared at the door of his cabin. As lively as a forest. Bright as the sun. And as beautiful as a rose. And the woodsman was as happy as he could ever think to be. Their life together was wonderful and magical. Every day a new adventure. Their love the only thing needed to sustain them. And soon something sprouted from that love. A child. And the woodsman thought his life was complete. A life more perfect than he thought ever possible. It was bliss. But it wasn't meant to last. She couldn't stay. She had to return to the world she left behind. But the woodsman wouldn't let her go. She tried to explain that she had to return to that world. But that she loved him and their child, but she simply could not stay, and they could not follow. The woodsman couldn't understand, nor did he want to understand. But he could do nothing as she left. Watching as his world started to fall down around him. Still he tried to move on. Continue his life and raise his child. But it would never be the same. It could never be the same."

Percy Jackson x Male Reader The Lightning ThiefTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon