The brunette's hearing focuses on his voice; "My name got you like that, huh?"

Her eyes roll; "Be quiet, Lahey," she mumbles, his smirk turning into a smile and looks back to the front.

Her head turns towards Stiles and Scott. "Crisis averted?"

"Crisis averted."

"Okay, but we have another problem. Ethan keeps checking his phone every five minutes. It's like he's waiting for something, like a message or signal of some kind. I don't know, something evil, though, I can tell. I have a very preceptive eye for evil, you know that," Stiles says, glancing at Ethan and Danny.

"I don't really like Danny sitting with him." Zoey shakes her head. "Neither do I, Zoe, neither do I." Stiles agrees.

Stiles pulls out his phone as Zoey looks at him, confused. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to figure out what he's waiting for." Stiles answers simply as he glances up at Danny and Ethan.

Zoey looks over the seat, seeing him type out Find out what Ethan's waiting for.

Danny's phone went off as Zoey looks over her shoulder, sighing.

After, Stiles' phone went off. A big, fat no.

"Great, now he won't tell us."

Stiles' face dropped, narrowing his eyes.

Just do it. Stiles types out.

Zoey rolls her eyes, turning around again as she hears a series of Danny's ringtone. Zoey shakes her head, smiling slightly.

"Are you okay?" Zoey hears, her head lifts as she frowns. "Actually, I was wondering the same thing about you." Danny says.

"He's asking," Zoey says, looking at Stiles as he stops typing.

When Ethan looks back at the three, Scott, Stiles and Zoey duck down in their seats. "Well, that wasn't very settle,"

The three eventually go back up, Stiles getting a text.

Someone close to him is sick. Might not make it through the night.

"Ennis?" Scott whispered as he reads the text as well. "What does that mean?" Stiles asks.

"H-He survived the fall? Does that mean.." Zoey trails off as she slowly turns back to the front.

Ennis is dead, but Derek's not.

Zoey walks off the bus, with a Stiles on the other side of Scott.

After figuring out Derek's not dead, they figured they needed to get off the bus, asap, because Scott's wound was not getting better. Like, at all.

Stiles' plan was to try and get Coach to pull over, but failed. So he came up with another plan.

And that plan was to get the kid Jared sick. On the bus.

"Jared, you suck!" Finstock yells out the bus window. "Somebody grab towels, or a mop. Or a new bus,"

Zoey's eyes rolled, walking into the bathroom with Lydia and Allison behind.

Scott's blood was now seeping through his shirt, making Zoey cringe.

"Alright, everything's okay, it's okay, I'm fine." Zoey mumbles as they walk into a bathroom.

Stiles and Zoey put him against a wall, by sinks.

As Allison pushes past Zoey gently, she bends down in front of Scott; Allison lifts his shirt up, enough to see the wound he has.

"Jesus Christ," Zoey mumbles as she turns the other way, then back to her friends.

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