You make a draw of them

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Sun wukong

You were at pigsy's noodles visiting ,MK and you were spending a nice day together ,he even bought you a small gift which you didn't fail to see when they were coming back ,a small drawing book and some coloured crayons ,you stared at the blank page with a frown on your face with no idea what to draw .

You looked all around you for something "inspiring" to draw, the pictures of pigs and people passing by on the street, the signs and posters, but nothing, you also wanted to ask MK to see if he would give you an idea, but he went off to deliver noodles.

Frustrated you lay on a chair on your head to see if any ideas came to you ,or if you got dizzy from the blood rushing to your head.

-Hey kid! What are you doing upside down?–asked Pigsy looking at you from the kitchen in confusion.

-I don't know what to draw, so I'm trying to think–you said bluntly with your arms crossed and your cheeks puffed out.

-Heh! Well try to think fast before the kid comes back and takes you to that crazy monkey–said pigsy wiping the counter.


-Pigsy you're a genius!– you said with stars in your eyes jumping up to the pig and giving him a big kiss on the cheek before hopping back to the table.

Pigsy looked at you in confusion and touched the cheek you kissed and let out a little "heh" before going back to the kitchen to continue with his noodles.

A few hours later MK returned to pigsy sighing, he entered the establishment to find you asleep with your head between your pillow-like arms with a blanket over your back and letting out little snores.

-Awwww, it's time to go home (Y/N)~-whispered MK rocking you gently in his arms to wake you up.

-My drawing...–you said half asleep, lazily moving your arms towards the table.

MK looked down at the table seeing some loose drawings from your book, they were drawings of his friends and other things, there is also one of him as the monkey king which caused him to bite his lower lip in a silent scream as tears ran down his cheeks from pure happiness.

On the ride home you couldn't help but fall asleep again to the cool breeze that cradled you as you lay in MK's lap as she drove along clutching a sheet of paper tightly to your chest.

-Hey Bud! It's about time they came back, the monkeys kept asking for (Y/N) and- -Monkey King stopped abruptly.

Monkey King stopped abruptly at the sight of your sleepy form in MK's arms, while the teenager smiled like he was the happiest person in the world as he showed him the picture you drew of him.

-Heh! Not bad kid– said Monkey King, taking you from the teenager's arms.

You looked at him with a tired smile, handing over the sheet of paper that you were taking care of with so much effort.

-Here daddy, I hope you like it– you said, falling back asleep on the monkey's chest as soon as he took the sheet of paper.

The monkey smiled at your tiredness, as he opened the sheet of paper and looked at the drawing while MK peeked over his shoulder to see the drawing, you both opened your eyes in amazement as MK bit her lip again and covered her face with both hands in another silent scream of pure happiness.

-I would die for you princess– said Wukong in complete shock as his tail wagged faster than a dog.

From that day on Wukong keeps the drawing in his pocket as if it were his most sacred treasure, always reading the words "The best daddy in the universe" whenever he feels discouraged, which always brings a smile to his face.

Daddy Monkey x F!child readerWhere stories live. Discover now