Part 3

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I don't own any of the characters in this story

AN: hello part 3 of this crossover yay anyways I don't know what to write her so yeah enjoy the story or don't I couldn't care less.

AnnaBeths pov

So we just arrived at the train station we're the Weasleys told us to run through the brick wall so we had Leo go first just in case. He disappeared through the barrier so the rest of us went through and got on the train. we all shared a compartment an I soon fell asleep with my head in Percy's lap and his fingers playing with my hair. When I woke up we had arrived at the castle and it was pretty cool but Olympus is better. We got off the train and walked over to we're a man was saying 1st years and exchange students. We got in to the boats and made it to the castle we're a woman told us that the first years we're going to be sorted first then the exchange students then they would introduce Percy and I last. So the first years walked out and got sorted then the others got sorted. Piper was Slytherin Thalia was grifindor so was Reyna Leo was in ravenclaw frank and hazel were huffulpuff. Then we were introduced as the new DADA proffers. We then took are seats and started eating eventually we were shown to were we would be staying and we fell asleep in are bed. The next day we got ready and went to get breakfast. When we finished we headed to set up are classroom soon a group of people walked in and we said your name will be on the desk we want you to sit at. After everyone was seated I said welcome to defense against the dark arts. Well start with introductions I'm professor chase and I'm professor Jackson Percy said. Any questions I ask someone raised there hand and I said yes she asks how old are y'all. We're both 18 I respond then how are you qualified to teach because we are new. Next someone asked are y'all dating a guy asked. Yes we are Percy said the guy groaned and sunk into his seat. After that lesson we had several more and then it was lunch time so we ate. After that we thought some 5th years including Harry Ron and Hermione. They walked in and Hermione raised her hand and I said yes Hermione. She asks so what are we learning about today. Well probably just stick to get better acquainted for today since it's the first day. She then asks is there going to be homework not for the first week I reply. She visibly pouts about that and I rolled my eyes at her. After the lesson was finally was over we had several more then we had dinner and met up with everyone in Percy and I's room were discussed the first day and then they left and we went to sleep. A month went by with nothing exciting happening Hermione and Harry were being bitch's there was no evil Wizard or monsters attacking so it wasn't that bad but i still wish I was in new roam studying at college.

AN should I make the chapters longer I like them short so it's not to much to write at one time and I no it's very boring right now but I promise it will get better.

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