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The cheer of the crowd distracts Hannah as she runs up the field as fast as she can to catch the winning throw. Sawyer see's Hannah and throws the ball to her. Hannah barley catches the ball and speeds off to the end zone. Jumping over a team mate that was just tackled to the ground running faster than she would think possible. The crowd cheers her on as she runs past yards in a blink of an eye. Hannah passes the ball to the half back that was closer to the end zone then she was, as she gets tackled to the ground. The half back catches it and runs of into the end zone.

Hannah gets up and shakes the hit off as Sawyer runs over to her. Hannah takes her helmet off and runs her hand through her now sweat soaked hair.

"We won man!" Sawyer says patting Hannah on the back as they make their way into the locker room."Nice throw at last minute, Han. It was amazing!" Sawyer says enthusiastically.

"Yeah i had a feeling i was gonna get tackled." Hannah says laughing and rubbing her neck.

"And now for the PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!!" Sawyer yells in locker room. The football team cheers of the mention of Sawyers party later on in the night.

"Did you set everything up?" Hannah asks as she takes off her equipment.

"All taken care of. Plus, and this will sound very cliche, I know a guy that knows a guy that can bring booze." Sawyer says not being able to stop smiling. Hannah laughs.

"Well we better hurry up if we wanna freshen up before the party." Hannah says as she quickly gets changed. Sawyer does the same and they are both out of the locker room and heading off to Sawyer's.

"Hannah's really good!" Troye says as the 5 friends make their way down the bleachers.

"Yeah!" Tyler says. Mamrie claps her hands as she begins speaking.

"So how about we make are way down to Sawyer's party." She says.

"I don't know I'm kinda tired." Grace says faking yawn causing her to actually yawn.

"Helbig you haven't done anything fun all week. We are going!" Mamrie says to Grace, and like mother to a child. Grace gives in, not like she tried to put up a fight.

"Guys, we have half an hour to kill before Sawyer's party." Sarah says looking at her phone to see the time.

"We could get some food from the diner a few blocks away." Tyler suggests.

"Not really hungry but i do need to change into something.....better than what I'm wearing." Grace says looking at her appearance.

"Ok then lets get going." Mamrie says leading the gang out of the field.

"Sawyer what room I'm i staying in again!?" Hannah yells from the outside Sawyers room. Hannah opens his door and starts to cough.

"Dude lay off the colon!" Hannah says waving her hand in front of her face.

"Sorry. Its the last room on the left." Sawyer says walking down the stairs as Hannah walks to the room. She sets down her bag on the floor as she walks into the room. Hannah has already taken a shower and dressed up all thats left is to wait for the party. She walks over to the bed and plops her self on it.

"HANNAH CAN YOU COME DOWN!!" Sawyer yells. Hannah gets up and quickly moves to Sawyer's location.

"Whats up?" Hannah says walking into the living room seeing people start to come in.

"Nothing just wanted to let you know that there will be a lot of drunk girls at the this party so don't go fucking every girl at the party will you." Sawyer says jokily.

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