Ch5: Dinner?

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3rd POV

Shoki stood in the spare, well now his, room. He stood in front of the mirror almost glaring at it as instead of his reflection, it showed him laying down on the bed, he stood there glaring at it. The image was still and nothing further happened, he stood there glaring at it. It broke, under his glare, the glass cracking everywhere over and around his reflection. His glare lessened as he moved a hand and placed it on the glass as it started to repair itself.

A knock rang out as the door opened. "Hey Shoki, the dinner is ready." At the door stood Himeko, peeking in looking at him curious at what he was doing. "Is everything alright?" She asked half concerned, half sceptical.

"Everything is fine, I'm just... Thinking yes I think that's all..." He said as he got up and left the room with her.

They got to the dining room and Shoki sat down at the free spot, on his right was Himeko and on his left was Mei. He stared shocked at the food on the table as he did his best not to drool at the sight of such food and then he noticed everyone staring at him. "I'm sorry I just haven't eaten in years by now, and all this stuff looks divine!" Mei just chuckled at his comments and pat his back "Well then dig in. I did make a bit more and some nicer stuff because of you after all."

Shoki smiled and hugged his little sister before sitting back down and waiting for everyone else who hasn't to do so. "Alright, let's dig in!" He said as he took the utensils and started eating.

As he took his first bite he had to suppress a moan as the blissful feeling of finally tasting something after years came in. He still decided to honour Mei and keep quiet and enjoy the food, though he would be lying if he said he wouldn't congratulate and praise her for the food she made.

Dinner was finished, in terms of food at least, relatively fast considering the loud mouth glutton tuna and the boy who hasn't eaten in years.

"Ah that was amazing~" Shoki spoke out as he slumped back into his seat upon finishing his meal. "You really outdid any and all expectations Mei, especially when I remember how you were when it came to cooking when you were younger."

"Ah, please don't tease me about that, but thank you for the compliments, they really aren't necessary, I'm honestly just glad to have you around again and to see you enjoying the food so much."

"I'm glad as well." He said standing up and walking over to hug Mei. "I'm so happy to see you again little sis, I could just cry from happiness!"

"Now now, don't worry, we're both here and together now." Mei comforted him by patting him on the back. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I got really emotional." He said as he let her go.

"Anyways, how are your studies going?"

"They're going fine, I'm doing well but I am worried for someone else..." Mei trailed off looking at Kiana who was currently stuffing her mouth full of food and somehow not choking.

"Mwat?" Kiana mumbled as she went back to eating.

Mei sighed and turned back to Shoki as dinner went on.

After some time they all finished and went to their respective rooms to sleep. As they all started to depart into sleep, only one remained, starring at the cealing.

Shoki's mind was... Wandering, to put it lightly. From possibilities, to what's happened recently to, what happened long ago, he couldn't rest, no matter how hard he tried, so he decided to do something about it and go for a walk. He took a walk around campus, hoping to get tired enough to fall asleep but alas... He could never get tired not any more, a curse within a blessing he supposed.

His gaze however was drawn by a sight, the full moon was out, shinning brilliantly among the thousands of distant stars, but....

He blinked and the sky he was looking at was changed, a violet colored sky, the thousands of stars which once brilliantly shone, now a bare few dozen, dimly shinning beyond a moon, a shattered, broken burnt moon.

Shoki, starred, some semblance of sourness in his eyes, as he closed his eyes and a brief moment later, opened them to the sight of a bright full moon, he had before, the violet sky, shattered moon and absence of stars, seemingly having vanished, or maybe not even existing ever.

"I'm past that, I've been so for long..."

He whispered to no one but himself as he made his way back to the dorm, went into his room, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

God damn I've been gone a while huh? Well sorry, a lot of bs from school as well as personal matters influenced me to stop writing this for a little while, so now finally I had the time to do this chapter, thankfully I should be available to perhaps get a chapter in before the end of march as well, so hopefully, look forward to that!

Either way, sorry again, but I'll see you all next chapter, don't forget to share your thoughts and criticisms, all are welcome!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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