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Between THIRD WHEEL (Liam), THE (Mason), COUPLE (Corey):

THE: Liam r u ok?

THIRD WHEEL: Just peachy y

COUPLE: Well I mean for 1 hayden bleh joined the pack chat and scott told u off infront of everyone and just gave u the pressure of possibly being the future alpha

THE: Corey..

COUPLE: oh! uh.. sorry Li

THIRD WHEEL: nah its fine Cor but yea Ig im a bit upset but im just being dramatic

THE: ur not! alright that's it! were coming over and were bringing pizza and gonna watch ur fav movbies to cheer u up

THIRD WHEEL: guys u don't have to do that..

COUPLE: but we want to and we will were on ur way

THIRD WHEEL: bring ice cream?


THIRD WHEEL: extra choc chips?

THE: ofc!


Between DEAR BEAR (Derek) and STILES (Stiles):

DEAR BEAR: stiles?

STILES: what derek

DEAR BEAR: are you okay?

STILES: no im not ok!? Scott's being a dickhead and im getting the cold shoulder for standing up to Hayden who is a massive bully! I hate her!

DEAR BEAR: I know you do but scotts right

STILES: what?...

DEAR BEAR: well I mean she is pack whether you like it or not and you cant just exclude her like a highschool bully just on the fact that you don't like her.

DEAR BEAR: I mean she hasn't done anything wrong.


ASSHOLE: stiles. now your just being immature


ASSHOLE: oh my god stiles


ASSHOLE: whatever you can just sulk like a baby then



Between CREEP (Peter) and SPARKLER (Stiles):

SPARKLER: ur nephew is an asshole

CREEP: sighhh what has he done this time

SPARKLER: oh nothing much just saying that scott was right and im a "highschool bully"

CREEP: ffs Christ im sorry for his behaviour stiles ill talk to him

SPARKLER: I thought he would understand.. I thought he'd be on my side on this

SPARKLER: but no guess I was wrong about him as always

CREEP: im so sorry stiles ill tell him off and fix this I swear but for now

CREEP: would u like to come to Chris's house? were playing board games, Allison is there aswell it might cheer u up

SPARKLER: yea that sounds nice

CREEP: see u when u arrive sparky ;)

SPARKLER: ew no winky face that's weird lol


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