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12:18. If Herb's phone had moved at all, that was what it would have said. Instead, it remained with the flashlight facing up, providing some sort of soft light. The gentle white waves illuminated them softly, almost looking as if they were a gift from the grasses themselves.

"I see.." he whispered, recollecting everything Red Velvet had told him. He could tell when certain things were omitted. Politely, he chose to ignore them.

He should have been asleep. He should have been far away from here buried in a mess of blankets, dreaming about plants or perhaps herbal tea. Something in Red Velvet's eyes was incomprehensible. His eyebrows furrowed, his head rested atop his knees.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" Red Velvet asked as he watched the grasses dance. He kept his voice a low husk, taking as much advantage of his shift awake as he could. "We have to be close to the center kingdom if you could find us."

"I don't. if I looked around, I could possibly figure it out, but I don't think you have time for that, hoo." He reached out, the pads of his fingers coming to hook the chain between Red Velvet's wrists once more. "You've had this all night, then..I'm sorry."

"What?" He looked puzzled. "It is not your fault, Herb. You did not do this."

"Mm," Herb hummed in acknowledgement. He didn't look up at his face. As much as it frustrated him, Red Velvet knew exactly what that meant.

"No," he piped up.


"I do not care what you are thinking. Go home. Do not get involved in this."

"Those belong to Almond!" Herb spoke in a strong whisper. "You can't get them off yourself. You're lost either way. You won't get back. If I leave now, you'll still be in the same situation."

"I can figure out what to do. I do appreciate your insistence, but I am not so certain that Pomegranate would.. take your presence too well." For the very first time, Herb could make out genuine nervousness on Red Velvet's face. He turned his eyes to gaze at the woman sleeping ever-so-soundly, shaking his head. "No."

"I could try to pick that lock. It's magic related, so I wonder..."

"What-- Herb, have you lost your mind? It is already a death wish for you to--!"

"Velvet.." Herb furrowed his brows for just a moment, eyes studying each and every piece of grass. Just how could he say what he wanted to say..? He had not a clue as to why Red Velvet was out here, only the how. Even so, he couldn't make himself focus on it. It'd be nice to know, but..

..He was more focused on him, he found. He shook his head. "I've made up my mind, already."

"Herb--" Red Velvet's shoulders raised. "You have to cut your losses. We will be fine. Herb-- Herb?"

The gardener refused to listen. He inched closer to him, taking the chains in his hands.

"If it doesn't work, I'll figure something out. I promise."

"Has something gotten into you..?" Red Velvet gave a sigh of defeat, offering his wrists out to him. Why was Herb acting like this..? Did he feel obligated? He'd already come this far. Though, Red Velvet still couldn't shake the feeling itching at his insides. Herb, you should be home. His mind refused to allow him to change the subject. He watched the light move as Herb snatched up his phone, using one hand to hold the flashlight.

"I don't think so," he responded with both a shrug and a smile. "Handcuffs are technically breakable, but Almond's magic should prevent it. If you kept trying.. I think I heard they'd burn you."

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