Polpo Commited Suicide!

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Bucciarati's P.O.V
Word got around about a killing or something. I'm not sure, but we'll find out. We have been sent to the ocean to find riches, but we're not sure where or why.

Before leaving the port, I was slipped some information that shocked me.

"The reason you are finding these riches are for one reason and one reason alone." Said the man who escorted us here, wearing a brown bucket hat and a pair of brown overalls. "What is it? What is the reason?" I asked. If it didn't regard them, they wouldn't have to called the mafia to pitch in.

He folded his rough hands over his stomach, looking down. His eyes were watching my own until the final word. "Polpo killed himself."

Why? Why would he do something like this? He had so much and too much to lose! So many questions and no sight if answers, I planned to tell everyone once we were out far enough to begin searching.

This is difficult news to break.
Abbachio's P.O.V
I start the motor, and the boat jolts forward. I heard what was probably Mista hitting the deck, followed by Narancia laughing.

While everyone else was enjoying the water, I sat criss-cross in the dark motor room. My mind drags around itself, forging thoughts that mixed with my tear-shedding reality.

I don't know why Bucciarati has been my minds top priority for the past while, but i'm not complaining. I'm enjoying myself, but we have serious business to attend to.

God, I need some relief...
Bucciarati's P.O.V
Abbachio is still back in the motor room. It's pretty small, even cramped for me. Fugo watches the rushing water quietly below the boat, all the while Narancia got comfortable listening to music.

Giovanna sat on the deck, in the middle of everything it seemed. He gets up and walks to Fugo's side. Fugo jumps in his skin, his shoulders raise and his crossed arms jolt to the top of his chest.

Giovanna offers a soft smile, and Fugo accepts. Setting his shoulders back, he uncrossed his arms, resting them by either side.

I watch on as their hands collide accidentally, Fugo was as red as his strawberry earrings. I again close my eyes with a grin, my mind wandering back to Abbachio.

Where is he? Still in the motor room?
Abbachio's P.O.V
I'm sitting still as a chair with three legs. I move about, but my behind never leaves the ground. My knees were at my chest, arms holding them in place at my shins. I could feel my smudged lipstick running across my pink, sweaty face.

It's getting hot in here, I gotta go before I get too warm...

Before I even stood, the door was opened with a bang, the motor giggled from the impact on the plastic interior. I turn my head around so fast my neck hurts, to reveal a shadow looming over the moist, wooden floor.

Bucciarati, too, was sweating like a hog. I thought I heard some yelling earlier, but I imagined it was Mista being a drama queen about seeing only four seagulls on a rock or something.

"Abbachio!!" he yells, even though we are so close together,

"Narancia has gone missing!"

542 words
limp ending but i didnt wanna cover to much at once 👐👏👐👏

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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