Meta Knight! Subaru

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I had this idea for awhile. The plot...Subaru ends up getting the Meta Knight's sword, Galaxia and Meta Knight's cape during arc 2 or 3. For arc 2, he either gets it after running away from Rem when she's hunting him down, or arc 3 when he's completely broken and wants revenge against Betelgeuse after he kills Rem and everyone in the village.

Now let's get on with the equipment and moves he will have.

Galaxia: A legendary sword that serves as Subaru's primary weapon

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Galaxia: A legendary sword that serves as Subaru's primary weapon.

Dimensional Cape: Allows him to manipulate space, and is a powerful weapon in its own right. Subaru most commonly wraps it around himself to teleport away. This tends to happen whenever his mask is destroyed and his face is revealed, or when he knows he has been defeated. The cape allows him to warp and teleport short distances, and it can be used to surprise an opponent, catching them off guard by teleporting and attacking from behind.

Body Armor: As a knight, Subaru wears metalic armor on his shoulders, arms, feet and legs.

Sword Profinciency: Subaru will be very proficient with the sword that he will give Reinhard a run for his money.

Heal: Fully heals Subaru's health, however he can only use this ability a limited amount of times.

Meta Quick: Temporarily increases Subaru's movement speed.

Clone Creation: Subaru can clone himself up to four times.

Galaxia Darkness: Subaru unleashes a powerful close-range attack with Galaxia.

Dimensional Strike: Subaru charges up Galaxia with energy, his wings transform into his cape, and then he disappears before reappearing, performing the Meta Spin Slash. Subaru can move while charging.

Sky Knight Sword: Subaru holds his sword upwards, charging it with energy. He then performs a Crescent Slash upon using Overhead Slash or Meta Chop.

Shuttle Loop: Subaru flies in a loop like Wing's move of the same name, and enters a gliding state afterwards where he can soar forwards with semi-realistic physics, accelerating when he flies downwards and stalling when he flies upwards.

Mach Tornado (Meta Knightmare's Revenge): Subaru jumps up, spins around and summons two tornadoes to cover the entire arena and cause destruction.

Mach Tornado (Smash Bros.): Meta Knight spins his blade fast enough to create a tornado and can surround himself with it for defense.

Entangling Tornado: Pulls in opponents with a powerful vortex.

Dreadful Tornado: A much stronger, but slower variation.

Drill Rush: A spinning lunge with Galaxia outstretched

High-Speed Drill: A much faster variant that Subaru can't change the direction of.

Shield Breaker Drill: A less powerful variant designed to destroy defenses and force fields.
Shield Piercer: Pierces through Barriers at the expense of lowering attack power.

Duplications: Subaru can create clones of himself for an extra hand.

And yes, Subaru will use "Meta Knight" as his code name. That's what people call him whenever they refer to him. Just imagine the reactions when their is a mysterious knight in town that does the half of the Lugunican Knights' job for them. Lol. And yes, since Subaru is a knight, he'll have and respect his code of chivalry and honor of a knight. If anything he's a true knight and shows more honor and chivalry than any other knight. Subaru is proud of his abilities but always wants to improve and get stronger.

Also here's what he'll look like:

(This is the best image I could find

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(This is the best image I could find. Also his hair will be a dark navy blue as well, and don't hop on me for changing his hair Color, there is literally a Subaru with white hair)

Anway, that's it for my Meta Knight Subaru story idea. What do you guys think?

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