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A story where Subaru is the reincarnation of Kirby and has Kirby's powers. You know like inhaling objects spitting them out. And we can't forget copy abilities. But I'm expanding it. He'll have a human form and the classic pink puffball form. So he'll be able to do certain things that each form lacks. Here are the routes I'm planning on taking.

1. When he was a child. Subaru was watching a meteor shower. And ended up making a wish. Unknown to him, a shooting star was charging directly at him and hit him. Due to this he ended up going through some changes. Like the change of color scheme to his clothes as well as his physical appearance and attitude. Though he'll still have his attitude from the anime and novels.

2. The same plot as the first one but instead he gets warped to dreamland. Gets a change to his physical appearance and color scheme of his clothes. (might also make him lose his memories, of Japan once he gets warped so he'll only have the memories of his times and adventures on pop star. But I might not do the whole memory thing)

3. Instead of Japan, Subaru will be from dreamland (this one kinda made sense to me since Adeline is the only human we've seen on pop star among it's inhabitants). But gets hit by a shooting star, and ends up merging with Kirby.

What do you guys think?

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