They loved to play this the most out of all of the games they played because it made them feel closer as friends. That would change even more when they learned about crushes. Katsuki learned about crushes from none other than Mitsuki herself.

"Hey mom i think im sick" Katsuki exclaimed holding his stomach

"What do you mean? Come here let me see" She motioned for him to come over to where she was sitting. She felt his head to see if he was having a fever. 

"You don't have a fever so what else is wrong?" She questioned looking concerned

"Its my stomach. Everytime im around Kai my stomach feels tingly and my heart races really fast and my face heats up too. I think he's getting me sick" He explained with a serious tone. His mother just snickered

"Your not sick, you have a crush" She laughed out

"What's a crush?" He pouted thinking his mother wasn't taking him seriously

"Its when you really like someone close to you" She tried to explain

"Of course I like him he's my friend" Katsuki said confused

"Well there's a difference between a crush and a friend. The difference is a friend is someone you can play with and share toys with and just be good buddies. A crush is a person you like a lot. Like a girlfriend or boyfriend. 

"What do they do?" He asked interested

"They hold hands, hang out, kiss on the cheek, share toys, all that good stuff. They do that because they like each other more than just friends" she explained

"So do you know the difference between the two now?" She asked

"Yeah. I think I have a crush on him" He finally came to the realization after his mom thoroughly explained it. 

"Ok why do you have a crush on Kai?" She took interest in her son's first crush

"I feel different with him then any of my other friends. He's nice to me and isnt my friend because he thinks I'm stronger than him. He actually cares about my feelings and stuff" He shared how he felt with his mother

"Are you going to tell him?" Mitsuki asked

"I don't know, should I?" He was uncertain about sharing his feelings with his crush

"It's up to you and if you trust him enough. If you trust him enough then tell him. If not then you don't have to tell him if you don't want to." 

After this conversation he was planning ways to tell his friend how he was feeling. He decided to just tell him straight to his face. He wanted to do it at the park since today was the day they were supposed to be meeting anyway. 
 He also talked to his mom about rejection and how he should handle it.

"What if he doesn't like me back" He asked nervously 

"Well then you guys can stay friends it won't change anything" She reassured him

"Ok then"

He and his mom made it to the park where he immediately ran over to the playhouse slide. Kai was there waiting for him. 

"Hey Hermoso, how's it going?" He smiled as he waved him over

"Hey." Katsuki said in his usual tone. He did feel a bit nervous but he understood how he felt and wasn't ashamed. 

"Hey Kai do you have a crush?" He asked suddenly 

"A crush?" Kai asked unsure what this was about

"Yeah a crush" Katsuki said sheepishly 

"Well yeah i guess if that's what you call it '' Kai knew that he liked Katsuki but just wasn't sure how to explain it. 

"I have one too. I have a crush on you" Katsuki finally got out the words he wanted to say but he was waiting for Kai to express how felt about him

"Oh well I have a crush on you too" Kai smiled at Katsuki. They sat there for a few minutes wondering what happened now. They didn't know what to do now that they both know they have crushes on each other.

"Do we have to be boyfriends now?" Kai wonder out loud

"I don't know, do you want to?" Katsuki replied 

"What do they do exactly?" Kai asked curiously 

"Well my mom told me that they hold hands, and play together, and kiss on the cheek, and share toys" Katsuki explained just as his mother explained to him 

"Ohhh ok yeah we can do that!" Kai exclaimed with happiness

"Well can we hold hands?" Katsuki asked with a light pink blush

"Yeah" Kai extended his hand out to Katsuki. He placed his hand inside Kai's and they sat there holding hands as they talked and played.
    Their mothers started to notice them getting closer which caused them to get closer. Their mothers notice them holding hands one day and smile with contentment. They knew their boys would be friends for a long time. All of this happiness soon took a sad turn when Kai's father got a job in America and they would soon have to move away. 

"Hey hermoso, I have something to tell you." Kai said with sadness lacing his voice

"What is it, why do you sound so sad?" Katsuki asked worried about his "boyfriend"

"I am sad, we're moving away today after im finished here at the park" Kai said as tear started to spill from his eyes

"You can't move away, we start school next week!" Katsuki also starting to cry not wanting him to leave

"I know but my papi got a job somewhere else and now we have to go too. I don't want to go!" Kai said through small sobs

"How are we going to talk and stuff?" Katsuki said sniffling 

"I don't know but just in case we don't get to talk i'll give you something" Kai pulled a necklace from his pocket. It held a gold lion pendant. On his wrist was a matching bracelet 

"This is for if we ever want to remember each other when we cant talk" Kai sniffled as he helped Katsuki put the necklace on

"Thanks, I'm going to miss you a lot!" Katsuki hugged Kai tightly 

"Me too" Kai returned the hug before his mother called for him to come along

"One more thing before you go!" Before they let go of the hug, Katsuki planted a gentle kiss on Kai's cheek. Kai smiled and hugged him tightly once more before letting go and running off to get in the car with his parents.
    Katsuki walked over and grabbed his mother's hand and sadly watched as the car started driving off. 

"I'll come back for you when we're older! We can get married too so we don't have to be apart again, so don't forget ok!" Kai shouted before fully driving off. Katsuki's face glew a bright red before running after the vehicle slightly

"I'll be waiting for you, you big idiot!" Katsuki shouted back

"Will I ever see him again?" He cried into his mother's leg

"Yeah i'm sure you will" She smiled sadly

The End

Hey guys this was a hassle but i did it I hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did writing it.❤❤❤

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