𝟐𝟕. God Of Rebirth

Start from the beginning

He thinks that, if this had been any different, Noor would have made a stellar Goddess of Rebirth. She would have been better than him. Is, better than him.

The fight comes to a quick halt as they realise that they've made their way halfway through, Marc now fronting and Zagreus thanking Eros for giving him the strength to stay away from Noor. Zagreus doesn't need another trauma.

He feels the Knight bond, tethering him to this life, flicker, and Noor staggers, eyes flashing a deep purple before going back to red. Marc holds her up, Layla turning to her with concern. "You okay?"

Noor shakes the dizziness out of her mind. "Yeah," she says, but it's really not all that convincing. "I think I should stop skipping breakfast every morning, especially if I'm supposed to kick people's ass, you know?"

Not one of the three people around laugh it off, but there's no time to really think it through. Well, at least for Layla and Marc, because Zagreus has plenty of time to worry, being a fly on the wall and everything.

He watches over her as she springs back into action, using his abilities to somersaults over someone, push her foot against a wall, and abruptly slams her blade down Harrow's axe. It clangs with a deep metallic sound, Layla immediately coming up and doing the same with her swords, before Marc jumps over Noor, armed with his crescent moons.

Noor feels the axe dig harshly into her stomach before she sees Harrow jab her, a groan escaping her lips. And she's been playing so nice.

Before the Bloodlust can even think of making her jab her blade through Harrow, he slams the end of his cane on the ground, a purple wave of power sending them flying back.

Noor collides with a wall, and goes straight through it, glass shards and rubble falling on her. And that should have been okay – well, no, but she is godsdamn Knight Mare, she should walk it off.

Her eyes flash purple, and she lets out a growl of pain, her whole body set ablaze. And it hurts. So much that she's pinned to the ground, writhing in pain, blade clattering to the side as she drops it, muscles contracting.

Zagreus is by her in a flash, worry painted all over his face, a heavy feeling in his stomach. "What is it? What's going on?"

The scarf falls from her face because of how much she's moving, letting him see her lips twist up in pain, her pupils dilated, almost swallowing the purple whole.

Zagreus feels a cold sweat run down his spine. With an awful sense of dread, he turns towards the sky, where a giant Ammit and Khonshu should be fighting. Except Khonshu is down, and Ammit is staring right at Noor with a smirk.

This is her doing. She's incapacitating Noor long enough for Harrow to kill her. He can see him now, walking to her as she whimpers. Ammit knows to deal with the most powerful one first. Knight Mare would easily overpower Harrow if Noor wasn't holding back the Bloodlust, this is a known fact.

Ammit needs her off the board.

Zagreus rushes out of the building, where Marc is knocked out on a car. He immediately makes himself visible to him, and to any Avatar. Now is no longer the time to fret over people going after Noor if they know of him. Someone is going after her, and he has to do something.

"Hey!" he cries out as loud as he can. "Hey, wake up Hannah Montana!"

Layla, standing up from the ground, groaning, stares at the man in a three piece suit yelling at the top of his lungs. She grips her swords tighter, just in case. "Who are you?"

Zagreus turns to her sharply. "I'm... Zagreus, can you please just get Harrow away from Noor?"

This has the benefit of springing Steven into action as he fronts, sitting up straight quickly, looking around for his soulmate. When he sees Harrow creeping up on her, he breaks out in a sprint, slamming into him and getting him away from her. Layla follows suit, swords ready to defend Noor.

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