Hoo hp crossover fanfic

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All characters are owned by ether Rick Riordan or J. K. Rowling

An: so basically some Pjo and hoo characters are going to hoqwagrts about a year after the giant war and during Harry's 5th year I know the timelines don't match up but I don't give a shit so anyways Harry's going to be a bitch Hermione is going to be a obnoxious no it all and Ron he will be nice because he's the least Annoying character in the book series and I know allot of people will hate me for not Liking  Harry and Hermione but I don't give a fuck so yeah. And the couples in this are Percabeth frazel and probably theyna. Jason is dead piper and Leo are both single and yeah that's it.

Percy's pov

So I was just sitting by the lake with Annabeth talking about college stuff. When Leo ran up and said hey Chiron wants us at the big house. I sigh and stand up and offered a hand to Annabeth she took and stood up. She smiled race you guys and all three of us ran towards the big house. Annabeth won I got second and Leo got third. We walked into the big house to see piper hazel frank Reyna and Thalia already sitting there. We took are seats and Chiron said I have a important quest for all of you. That earned several groans and complaints I said we've all fought in at least one war and have gone on countless quest can't we just get a break. Chiron sighs and says I'm sorry children but this is very important it's a quest from Hecate. I roll my eyes I don't care if it's from a goddess we all deserve a break. Chiron says well you don't really have a choice. Anyways you will be flying to Britain ( AN: I have no idea we're hoqwagrts is and also hogwarts is a stupid name for a school) we're you will attend a school called Hogwarts a school for wizards and witch's. You will protect a boy named Harry Potter from a evil wizard trying to kill him understand. Yes everyone says in a annoyed tone. Then I say wait you said fly like on an airplane hazel and I are going to get zapped out of the air and die. Hazel nodes in agreement Chiron says you both will be fine Zeus swore on the River Styx's not to zap you out of the sky. Anyways Hecate should be arriving shortly to explain the rest. A few seconds later a cloud of gray smoke fills the room and when it clears Hecate is standing there she takes a seat. She says hello I will explain the rest of the quest you will pretend to be American exchange students I will give you all the information on the wizarding word. She then taps each of are heads and soon a bunch of information rushes through my head. Then Hecate says Percy and annabeth you will teach defense against the dark arts because I have recently found out the ministry is trying to take over hogwarts. We node the rest of you will be in 6th year despite how old you are. Your trunks and wands are in your cabins with everything you need and you will be staying at the order of Phoenix's head quarters. When you reach the airport there should be a few people there expecting you there names are mr. Weasley Ron Harry Hermione and Ginny I believe. Argus will drive you to the airport after you have breakfast know you are dismissed. We walk out of the big house and AnnaBeth and I head to the Poseidon cabin we're i flop unto my bed and AnnaBeth rolls her eyes and picked up a narrow gray box and opened it. There was a piece of wood in it. She took out a note and read it then picked up the wood which was probably a wand and flicked it at me and I tumbled to the ground. Hey what was that for, for being lazy she responded I groaned and got of the floor and sat down next to her. I put my arms around her waist from behind and she put her hands on mine and smiled at me. I leaned down and kissed her she kissed me back and when we broke apart she leaned her head against my chest and said I love you, I love you to wise girl.

AN: ok so I thought I would end this chapter with a nice Percabeth moment. So the next chapter will be from Harry's pov and also This was probably a piece of shit but I don't care. Please comment what I can work on thanks.

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