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Okay, this is going to take place in New York, On a subway train. There not a couple yet. And, uh...this is going to be long.

Characters: Stacy Adams and Grant Dale. Both 17

Stacy's POV

Stacy groaned as she grabbed a hand hold on the train. She wanted a seat to sit in—she was going home after a long day of working as a waiter—but, being Stacy Adams, the girl who was always late, all the subway seats were taken. Life wasn't fair for a lot of people. Including her.

She looked around at the daily commuters on the train, spotting Mrs. Williams in the far back, she waved at the collage teacher, who waved back. She spotted a few other people she knew who worked different jobs and had to ride the stinky, trash ridden subway every evening to get home. She felt sorry for them.

She suddenly spotted a guy coming towards her. He had a dark green shirt on under a denim jacket and had clear azure eyes and neat sliced black hair. He didn't look like He'd be into nerdy Stacy with her short pixie cut curly blonde hair and her red rimmed glasses, but there he was, walking towards her.

He stopped a few feet away from her. "Hey baby." He said in smooth clipped voice, "I was just looking for a girlfriend. And I think I found her." (I'm cringing as I'm writing this)

Stacy froze. She didn't know what to do in a situation like this. This guy was obviously a creep, she knew that much. But when she thought this situation was gonna happen, she would have a very snarky comeback and judo-flip the guy. But her she was. Just frozen. She didn't even know how to judo-flip.

The guy smirked. "The names Nate. And what might yours be?"

This guy obviously wasn't good in the flirting department. Her eyes flitted for a way out of this mess. She was about to say Mrs. Williams was her mother when a different guy stalked up to both of them. "Hey! Lauren! I thought I recognized you. How are you!"

She didn't know what to say. She looked him up and down. He had a snug black shirt on. He also had the most captivating dark green eyes ever and sandy brown hair that looked like he just woke up.

He raised his eyebrows, probably waiting for an answer from 'Lauren'. "Uh...yeah, I'm good.....Bob. I'm great actually. Now that your here." She internally facepalmed, chastising herself at her bad 'I-just-met-you,-but-I'm-pretending-to-know-you' communication skills.

The creep looked at them and forced a smile, "well, I'm sorry, I didn't know you have a boyfriend. I'll leave you guys be." He turned on his heel and walked to the other side of the train.

Stacy blew out s relived breath and unfroze. But the creep wasn't done with her yet, she was sure. Just them the train stopped on her stop, and she scurried towards the the still opening subway doors. She turned around to see the guy looking at her questionably. She slightly nodded to know that she needed him to escort her back to her home. As much as she wanted to be independent, and not have help from a big strong guy, she was scared. A lot.

The guy nodded back and walked towards her, smiling a little to probably encourage her. She started walking up the subway stairs, the guy right by her side. After they reached the top and she smelled the New York Air—which was sadly polluted—she turned to the guy and said, "just because your saved me back there doesn't make me a damsel in distress. Okay?"

"You know, you should've just said thank you, but your not the simple and polite type, are you?"

"Ugh," even though she just met the guy, he stated becoming not her favorite person.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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