I walked over to the door, planted a kiss on his cheek then said "I'll see you at four."

Enid and I quickly got to class. Class as in a teacher and eight kids. I'm kind of glad that Draculaura and Wednesday have fencing together that way, Laura can keep an eye out on Wednesday. I don't feel like Wednesday would do anything wrong but at the same time, I feel like she's going to murder somebody for the whole entire school. Wednesday is the type of person to never know what to expect from them one minute they say something nice and the next day burn you alive but I'm pretty sure that's how Wednesday thinks of me. I wouldn't be surprised. Halfway through archery class, Enid decided to spark up a conversation.

"How do you feel about your sister Jay?"

"I feel fine about her what do you mean?"

"No, not like that like, how do you feel about your sister?"

"I just said I feel fine. Why are you asking me this?"

"I got word that she slapped you yesterday. Is it true?"

I grab the arrow standing next to me and I put it on the holder "Enid, you are way too involved in other people's lives"

What I'm just worried for my friends"

"E I love you so very much"

"Aww I love you too"

"Wait I didn't finish. I love you so very much but that's Wednesday freaking Addams and in our house. Whatever she says goes and I'm trying to show her that Nevermore is my house and that I rule the school. If you put a word on your blog that she slapped me, my cred is down and they all know how that is for me. People are scared of me if they found out that somebody stopped me and got away with it. Everybody would be following behind Wednesday." I said, shooting the arrow, making it a perfect bull's eye.

"I didn't think of it that way. You never talked about your life with them the Addams I mean. How was it?" Enid said putting down her bow and facing all of her attention me.

I looked ahead. Try not to let any of my emotions fourth through well I start to think about it. "It was one hell of a ride that's for sure. The minute I was born everybody just forgot about me. They forgot me in the freaking hospital. Don't know why but they've never liked me. I don't care what they think. I wouldn't wanna be anything like them especially not my so-called mother." I shut the other arrow, making another perfect bull's-eye. "Well, would you look at that two arrows in one," I said a small smirk on my face as I drop the bow and walk to go get my bag to leave. Before I was able to leave, those Xavier pulled me aside.

"Hey J, do you think Wednesday would ever like me?"

"Don't let her know. I told you this, but she thinks you're cute."

"Why can't I tell her that you told me this?"

"Cause she'll sow my mouth shirt with wooden needles and then I'll stab her with pitchforks in her sleep." As I walked off with a small psychotic smirk on my face, knowing I just scared the living death out of him.


Morning classes for pretty chill except for the fact that Bianca and Wednesday looked like they were about to rip each other's heads off, it was pretty amusing to watch. Lunch was fine Wednesday didn't eat with us. I mean I'm not complaining. But I know once they like the back of my hand, she's the other person in me who I don't want to become. I would rather have my head chopped off 18 billion times and be like Wednesday. I know for a fact that she's trying to find a way to escape. I just hope I can stop her.


I'm sitting in my bed, and all of a sudden I hear tapping like somebody's running around. The only other thing that sounds like is Thing. That's impossible. Why would they leave things here and that it was to watch Wednesday?

"Thing you can come out now I got you"

A hand full of stitches slowly walks out from behind Wednesday's desk. I get up off my bed and walk to Thing and pick him up and walk back over to my bed. I sat thing down in my bed and watch him as he signs to me.

"I'm know Thing I missed you too. No, I'm not in danger. No, you're not in danger. No, I won't tell Wednes. Wait, you were there when Tyler was here? Wait you saw everything? EVERYTHING? Don't say I'm hot in a towel that's weird." And then three loud knocks for her on my door. I opened it to Xavier.

"Wednesdays in the infirmary, you have to come quick!" He said, panicking.

"Ok let me grab my jacket. I'll be right there" I got my jacket and followed him down to the infirmary.

The minute I got down there Tyler texted me asking how I was doing

My Ty <3

How are you doing?

Good but Wednes is in the infirmary


A gargoyle was falling on top of her and Xavier pushed 

her out of the way. She hasn't woken up yet.

I hope she's feeling better. I can't wait to see you later

Me neither

I sent the text smiling down at my phone.

"Who's making you smile over there? Is it Tyler?"

"Ya. I'm glad you guys are friends now"

"We'll if Tyler didn't stop Lucas and his gang something bad would've happened. So I owe him my thanks"

And with the Wednesday shot up from her slumber. Looked around and made eye contact with Xavier then ran out of the infirmary. Xavier got up and chased after her while I went back to my room and talked to Thing more. 


Before I knew it the time was already 3:30 I got up and reput of perfume then left. I walked down to the gardens on a beautiful warm sunny day at Nevermore looking at the green trees and the blue, black, and red birds flying around. When I got there I saw Tyler with a bouquet of red black and white roses and a basket full of sweets and chips. 

"Tyler you didn't have to"

"I didn't have to but I wanted to. I got some help from some of your friends." And with that, the water from the river started to float up in heart shapes and the bluebirds brought over a flower crown and placed it on my head. Ty set the basket on the ground and pulled something out of his back pocket. The birds chirped and a rainbow shined brighter than the sun. I heard the light sound of one of my favorite songs 'Adore You' by Harry Styles singing in the background.

"Friday Jane-Doe Addams. Starting today I have known you for 6 years and have loved you for 3. You are one of a kind, the rarest jewel in the world that needs to be treated with royalty. You are the sun and everybody else in the world are just planets, they revolve around you. So Mon Chéri it would my honor if you would become my girlfriend." He said then opening the little box to reveal a gold necklace with his last name on it. Galpin

"Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" I squealed then kissed him.

He turned me around and moved my braids to the side to put my new necklace on. After he got it on he gave my neck a kiss then everybody walked out of their hiding spots. Everybody was there. Like half of the school, even Principle Weems was there and Wednesday. 


I'm glad Wednesday was there and she was smiling at me. I honestly believe she just wants me to by happy..But all of a sudden the gut feeling came back............ 

Friday Addams (Tyler X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now