Chapter 1

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A lot of people might know my family The Addams family, but not many people know me. And most of the time people say I'm nothing like my family.

Starting from a young age, my parents didn't like me very much as in, they spoiled Wednesday over me, You would've thought that the family of maniacs would care for one another, but the only person who cared about me was Pugsley. Pugsley and I have a close sibling bonding as my father calls it but it's only because we understand each other. That is one reason why they shipped me off. Don't get me wrong. I look like an Adams. I look almost identical to Wednesday, except for the fact that I'm a foot shorter along with my blue hair and my skin isn't as pale. I still wear black, but if I'm being honest, I just prefer dark blue. My mother hated that I was born with dark blue hair but she hates everything I do. Pugsley says I have it because of how special and unique I am compared to the rest of my family. I think he just means my powers. Let me get you caught up I have 8 main powers. I get them every 2 years

Age 2) Visions

Age 4) The whole line of manipulations as in Elements, Powers, Emotions, Mind Control, Time, Teleportation, Healing, Strength, Gravity, Invisibility, and the rest

Age 6) Wanda Maximoff (her powers)

Age 8) Intelligence (my Iq is higher than 198 I think it's about 263)

Age 10) The whole Kinesis line of abilities as in telekinesis, Hydrokinesis, Chronokinesis, and the rest

Age 12) Shadow Magic

Age 14) X-Ray Vision

Age 16) Arcane Magic (Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Illusion, and more)

Anyways, let me give you a quick recap of my friends and the people at Nevermore Academy. When I first moved in, I was sharing a room with Draculaura, who is a vampire. One of the first few days in town I ran into a boy my age and his name was Tyler. You heard me right the sheriff's son, Tyler, and after that, we started becoming best friends. Every time I would go into town he would be there waiting for me and of course, we would call and text. We would call at night and text during the day, but he was one of the two friends I had. During the summer break after school was over, I explained my situation with my family, to Tyler's dad and he agreed to let me stay for the summers I needed, as long as I get a job when I'm old enough.

Over the summer, Tyler and I got really close almost inseparable close he taught me how to play volleyball and he showed me the wonders of dance thinking I would hate it. I learn to love it one of the only things I love in the world is dance. The thing about Nevermore Academy, and Tyler's school is that Nevermore always starts two weeks before Tyler's school and ends earlier than Tyler's school. Nevermore Academy starts the last week of August and ends the last week in May, but Tyler school starts the second week of September and ends the second week of June. Anyway 

A year later Enid moved and my space in Draculaura's room was temporary so I offered to leave, and I did. I moved into my own room all to myself, and I got to decorate how I wanted and I had no roommate's opinion on anything. I didn't really like Enid at first because she started hogging Draculaura. On the second week of school, one week before Tyler school starts we were sitting at the Weathervane Café. It was me and Tyler in one booth Donovan sitting across from us. I was telling sheriff Donovan about my whole situation at school when Enid and Draculaura walks in. Nobody at nevermore really knew my situation at home, except for Principal Weems. Draculaura and Enid were wondering why I was talking to Normies. Mr. Donovan told them my situation at home and then Draculaura explains that her mom and Enid's aunt are sisters. And that's why they were so close from that day. Then after that, we all started hanging out more. Enid is just a little bit terrified of me only because I threatened Xavier when he spilled juice on Eden. It was just a small little threat all I said was that It'll suffocate him in his sleep and then chop off his feet so he couldn't walk. That, of course, got me sent to Principal Weems, I explained my situation and my reasons, and all she told me was to be careful with my threats so now I am. 

Two years go by and I'm, sitting at the lovely age of 13. Principal Weems found out about my powers, and she built the ballet studio on the other half of my room since I wasn't sharing with anybody. I'm starting to grow a little crush on Tyler, but I know for a fact that he could never like me back. Enid meets this guy named Ajax and she really likes him, Draculaura said that she's only interested in women and which we are really supportive of. I kind of blew up to the school that I mean I'm kind of popular. Well, I did blow part of the school but who's gonna need the barn anyways? There are already 10 Barnes, one missing won't be that bad. Of course, Mr. Don what's called about me exploding a barn, and I was grounded during the summer. But that's the summer when Tyler and I had to start getting a job, so both of us thought it would be nice to work at the Weathervane Café. We eat breakfast together, then we go home. Tyler is the one who actually suggested I work there with him. On the weekends we like to go camping or hiking. Whichever one we're up for, most of the time it's just Tyler and me which I'm not complaining about. People around town come to think that were dating as I said I'm not complaining, but Mr. Don says they were too young to date. Can't start a fight with the sheriff.

Two years later and I'm finally turning 16 life has been going pretty well so far I have three best friends of the best friends anyone could ask for. There's this new girl Bianca, she and I kinda get along. If Wednesday was here Wednesday would chop off her neck. I'm really glad she's not But anyways, Bianca acts like she owns the school but she's the closest thing we all have to a princess so technically she does. Enid says that she's a siren. She's the only siren we have at the school so far. That wasn't till a month later that all of her siren friends decided to move into. Nevermore Academy couldn't care less but it's Wednesday was here to see how they were acting. They would all be fish sticks by now. One day over the summer, Tyler and I went hiking we went up to the mountain tops. We sat there and watch the sunrise, and we almost kiss that until a bird pooped on his head. How embarrassing but from then he's been super close you know. Most likely not but he's always found a way to be around me always found a way to talk to me to sit by me and then again, I'm not complaining. Over the year Tyler and I spend a lot more time together he still randomly shows up at my room in Nevermore Academy and just spends the night and goes back to his school in the morning. I kinda love it.

I can't wait for my sixth year at Nevermore Academy I am so excited. I'm so glad to be back. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us.

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